Check out my Thumb!!! Yay!

Okay, so this is the image quality since this isn't scanned yet.  I sent a revision picture to Jan to give me critique on it cuz well... she's like my best Art critic to get info on pics from. :D

So a little info on this.  As previously mentioned; this is Darket wearing her class uniform for the Reaper Weapon and Defense Class.  The class she's in is a basic one and teaches how to use your scythe, ways to conceal and handle it, and then also defensive maneuvers and also begins the disciplining of future high rank reapers to be able to preform their job un-phased by their surroundings to a point they are able to predict movements of the enemy.

Darket enrolled once, or to say Kawaii enrolled her, and she lasted a week before refusing to go back.  She has since after that (with about a half year or so rest) decided to retry.  The class is taught by a high ranking retired reaper from the German  zone and while being quite calm, collected, and pleasant outside of the classroom; inside her classroom you will find strict and demanded order and compliance that even a catholic nun would feel uneasy about.  

The uniform itself is a bit of a pass off from Scythe Master Maka Albarn's attire (which I think is rockin!) but with alterations as to not just fully copy the look.  The inspiration for the alterations is a bit.... interesting.  After trying to search "Japaneese School Girl Uniform" on google... and passing all the sexy pictures; I saw nothing really..d ark.. nothing really giving me a Soul Eater-ish Reaper feel.  I then thought about the teacher's basic story which is still in the works and googled " German Schoolgirl Uniform" which is really a dulled down more American Christian School style uniform.  Again not exactly what I was looking for.

I then thought back some and again pulling from the WAY the class is handled and some odd conversation myself and Jan had a few weeks back.. I googled " Nazi school uniform".  The results where bland except one that I felt fit very well:


The above image was used more as inspiration for the base uniform... including the cross chest belt and larger collars and pure black tie.  Darket's class uniform utilizes this look and Maka's togeather and unlike in Soul Eater where it was Maka's own style... All Students in Darket's class wear this attire.  Failure to do so... results in severe punishment.  Saddly for Darket... her hairstyle alone does not conform to these rules and she's already been the first punished in this class's session.  

The end result of this image is epic in my head; it just takes now me being able to gather an abibity to do the mental exactly in Photoshop when coloring and adding effects.  I'll be sure to try and post that here as well. ^-^

On a side note; you will come to notice that a scythe like Maka's isn't common place in this reaper world that's populated in my mind...  the reason is simply to the reapers taste, rank, and of course finance.  That said, few reapers trust anything beyond a more modern steel heat treated blade and hardened polished wood craft handle.   The scythe is more than a tool of death, but a in hand companion to the reaper and shifting it's form is simply the whim of the soul who handles it.  Darket's Scythe is a cheaper sold model found in an reaper realm store at near WalMart prices to those who aren't able to afford custom craftsmanship.  It uses a cheaper wood handle that usually has the heat treated steel blade bolted or riveted in place.

Her creator, Kawaii, instead wields a custom made scythe, purchased by the reaper demon that offered her something which in the time of her life was priority.... Immortality... and revenge of the world.    The handle is made of a now extinct wood and the blade hammered by hand during the beginning ages of blacksmith-ing.  The blade is sharpened by hand when made and Kawaii still will take it to the old shoppe at least once every few moons for a polish sharpening.  Granted she is retired and no longer uses it...   she still feels it's need to keep her own soul at rest.

A scythe like that of Kawaii's would be the equivalent of buying a custom Deloreon  DMC car when they first came out and keeping it in mint condition even to this day... while Darket's is a Honda Civic... yaknow the old ones that just about anyone could buy.    Just to put it into perspective.  ^^

Err I hope this wasn't too random for anyone....  Just thought be neat idea to share some of this odd brewing sillyness with others.

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