Showing posts with the label New

City / County officials plan memorial for Texas shooting victims, County-wide school closures, County Revisits Police Service Laws :: {fictional news article}

• The following is a fictional news article intended for story building and writing practice us…

City Promotes New Years Event as Last :: fictional news article

Disclaimer:  The below texts are fictional based on events/locations of fictions at times utilizin…

December Vocaloid Fix - Karma - CircusP ft. Eyeris (Cover)【JubyPhonic】

To the last Vocaloid Fix of 2017.  A cover by JubyPhonic of a classic; Karma is made by CircusP and…

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! #2017!!

Happy NewYear everyone!!!  In Southstar Glen; they once again celebrated in full force with a synch…

Southstar Glen News Article {fictional} - No New Years Bash Confirmed

SOUTHSTAR GLEN:  Today in a press release from the city council and chamber of commerce; The fear o…


Firstly;  a New Years Gift!!  Early January Vocaloid: Right! So... a new year is just a snee…

Pum Pum Pumpkin.. Chi!

Not going to go into a ton of detail at the moment, tis late and I should be in bed.. maybe later t…

The Birthday Album “ We're Making a New Album!      Ne…

School Uniforms for All

Check out my Thumb!!! Yay! Okay, so this is the image quality since this isn't scanned yet.…

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