Showing posts with the label Eater

Darket: Finished

Got done tonight with all the coloryness for Darket I have been giving lil WIP updates on!  You can…

Maka and Crona becoming friends

If you visit this blog, even just briefly... please take a moment to watch this clip from Soul Eate…

School Uniforms for All

Check out my Thumb!!! Yay! Okay, so this is the image quality since this isn't scanned yet.…

Great Advise from Anime

Soul Eater teaches a lot while blowing your mind.   There's a super deep process of learnin…

Soul Eater Anime - COMPLETE

I finished the entire Season 1 Series of Soul Eater last night.  I had to start picking it up on hu…

Episode 1 - 40 Reveiw of Soul Eater

Soul Eater Review Episodes 01 - 40 I will try my best to not spoil anything for anyone and be bri…

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