The mental keurig if brewing away last night and most of today with some bad side-effects of grumpiness.  x.x    The ideas are.. well...  Hard to explain the origin and they are triggered by things... sometimes deep.. sometimes silly.  Anime scenes, music, Animated Videos on YouTube and sometimes a pinch of ecchi perverted-ness.

Would anyone like for me to share these things on this blog?  Advance warning of things from suggestive and possibly at times down right adult themed....  as well as dark and chilling.   Depending of course on the moment.

I also ponder posting things here as tidbits.. like of sketches in works with some back story. The recent work that has found itself on a pause until I get a chance to work more on it; Darket's class photo from her Reaper Weapon and Defense Basic Course.  A class that basic learning reapers begin the process of their education to rise higher in rank while serving as a reaper and soul guide.   The class however is not as simple or kid's play as it sounds and the whole of the course puts the most studious soul to their brink.

Maybe i'll test with that as the follow entry to this one? :)

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