Showing posts with the label Kawaii

Become a honorary Reaper Academy guest!

{ Future Celix Edit:  RedBubble Store is now closed. Shall be looking into other options in time f…

Maynochrome #3 - Reaper Eyes

Going to keep it quick tonight.  This one took some doing and was the 2nd drawn, yet third ( and mo…

March Vocaloid Fix - Madoka Magica - "Magia" (FULL) | ENGLISH Ver | AmaLee

Again a bit late, but this song came across like a flying brick when I first saw this video for it …

February Vocaloid Fix - 【Hatsune Miku】ループメモリー / Loop Memory【Original】

Sorry for the late Vocaloid Fix post. :3 雄之助/Yunosuke Artist Notes どーも、雄之助です。 この一年間でいろんなこ…

BAND-MAID / Thrill(スリル) - AMV Saturday

Cell phone update til later.  Not animated but a great video to "In Yo Face!!" anyone wh…

▒~blood moon ~▒

Hope everyone enjoying the moon tonight.  I found it was more red on images I took with my DSLR tha…

ART WIP || Kawaii in the forest

{Author Note: Upon fixing some errors thanks to phone typing; I realize as i look at the image, the…


A bit behind now on Vocaloid Monthly fixes and to be honest... I... have to find a good un.  Until …

Kawaii's Wisdom from a Reaper #3

" Much of what society calls taboo can be considered as such only based on the proven facts of…

Pum Pum Pumpkin.. Chi!

Not going to go into a ton of detail at the moment, tis late and I should be in bed.. maybe later t…

Reaper Kawaii's Wisdom #2

Kawaii enjoying a nighttime guilty pleasure known as "Moon Bathing" Kawaii tends to…

School Uniforms for All

Check out my Thumb!!! Yay! Okay, so this is the image quality since this isn't scanned yet.…

Wisdom from a reaper

Kawaii Kosen Raccoon - © 2009 One's soul is most powerful in fear and anger; learn to co…

Soul Eater Anime - COMPLETE

I finished the entire Season 1 Series of Soul Eater last night.  I had to start picking it up on hu…

Episode 1 - 40 Reveiw of Soul Eater

Soul Eater Review Episodes 01 - 40 I will try my best to not spoil anything for anyone and be bri…

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