Showing posts with the label Glen

Pandemic Stalls 2021 Events :: {fictional news article}

• The following is a fictional news article intended for story building and writing practice …

Southstar Area Branding :: Brainstorming

I have spent the last week or so in my head thinking about the branding for Southstar Glen & S…

County to reopen amid National uncertainty :: {fictional news article}

SOUTHSTAR GLEN :: Aug. 21, 2020 Southstar County Clerk addressed in a early morning Zoom meeting t…

Northside Takes Direct Hit Overnight :: {fictional news article}

SOUTHSTAR GLEN: Storms strike Southstar Glen area for second time this year as one of the stronges…

City installs Historic Fountain at Botanical Gardens :: {fictional article}

The following is a fictional new article from a fictional world/city. None of the information belo…

City Promotes New Years Event as Last :: fictional news article

Disclaimer:  The below texts are fictional based on events/locations of fictions at times utilizin…

Southstar Glen School District closes Schools :: {{fictional article}}

SOTHSTAR GLEN :: In light of the shooting reports in Florida; the School District has sent out a st…

Mitternacht Sale

Hey Guys! I've been quiet.. i'm sorry... -3- But check this out - a few years back a goth…

Southstar County Severe Storms Outlook :: fictional article

Southstar County Storm Center and EAS broadcast 01152017 ::  storms from texas progressing north/n…

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! #2017!!

Happy NewYear everyone!!!  In Southstar Glen; they once again celebrated in full force with a synch…

Southstar Glen New Article {fictional} : New Years Event Made

SOUTHSTAR GLEN;  In a recent update to the SSPT Blog, a date has been confirmed for the annual New …

Southstar Glen IMMEDIATE EAS release :: fictional article

IMMEDIATE RELEASE TO ALL MEDIA :: At 2:30am WED 4/27/2016.... All siren activation codes and r…

Southstar Glen News Article {fictional} - City Notice of Siren Test

SOUTHSTAR GLEN - County sherriffs office is releasing a public notice to all citizens of Southstar …

Southstar Glen News Article {fictional} - No New Years Bash Confirmed

SOUTHSTAR GLEN:  Today in a press release from the city council and chamber of commerce; The fear o…

SouthStar Glen Headlines {fictional} - CITY MEETING WITH NEW OWNER OF VENUE

Citizens and local officials and media were invited to the Annex building Thursday the 1st to a mee…

Southstar Glen Headlines {fictional} : Waterspout on Lake

Multiple reports confirmed by NOAA weather station of a large Waterspout that touched down in the m…

School Uniforms for All

Check out my Thumb!!! Yay! Okay, so this is the image quality since this isn't scanned yet.…

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