Showing posts with the label Darket

Happy Hallows Eve + Anti Ordinary

{ Future Celix Edit:  RedBubble Store is now closed. Shall be looking into other options in time f…


I sketched a thing...   Well, Darket probably would rather not be called a thing.   While wanderin…

Darket: Finished

Got done tonight with all the coloryness for Darket I have been giving lil WIP updates on!  You can…

WIP update

eyeah, I'm still working on Darket in her Reaper Uniform.  I need to get on with it so I can ge…

WIP Tyme update

Just wanted to add a lil update as I just used 1 YouTube video to basically sudo-ink the Darket Uni…

Reaper Kawaii's Wisdom #2

Kawaii enjoying a nighttime guilty pleasure known as "Moon Bathing" Kawaii tends to…

School Uniforms for All

Check out my Thumb!!! Yay! Okay, so this is the image quality since this isn't scanned yet.…

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