Happy Hallows Eve + Anti Ordinary
{ Future Celix Edit: RedBubble Store is now closed. Shall be looking into other options in time f…
{ Future Celix Edit: RedBubble Store is now closed. Shall be looking into other options in time f…
I sketched a thing... Well, Darket probably would rather not be called a thing. While wanderin…
Got done tonight with all the coloryness for Darket I have been giving lil WIP updates on! You can…
eyeah, I'm still working on Darket in her Reaper Uniform. I need to get on with it so I can ge…
Just wanted to add a lil update as I just used 1 YouTube video to basically sudo-ink the Darket Uni…
Kawaii enjoying a nighttime guilty pleasure known as "Moon Bathing" Kawaii tends to…
Check out my Thumb!!! Yay! Okay, so this is the image quality since this isn't scanned yet.…