I sketched a thing...
Well, Darket probably would rather not be called a thing.
While wandering the countryside, a very bad habit I seem to have instead of being productive lately, and listening to my Spotify shuffle of Ashbury Heights; a mental image/idea came to my head of Darket (whom is a fan of the prior mentioned band) wearing a more tighter top that says "Anti-Ordinary" with her hands behind her. It was a very - rough - mental image to say the least. Rough mostly as it seemed to not give any cares to anatomy or just how far til an arm will snap.
But with some very strenuous googling for a pose and pinterest failings; I came across the idea to google "Pose Generators" and was pointed at Magic Poser. An app yet also online lite sized version program that lets you create 3D pose-able models. Some tweaking later and I got the model to pose kind of how I recall Darket in my mind, which by now was starting to wain as my memory makes goldfish look like elephants.
The sketch here is B/W after I poked it with a filter on my phone (Where it was obtained) as the original drawing was done later at night using my phone flashlight as light and a blue graphite mechanical pencil. I struggle with light sketching, so I know I have a mess ahead of me to clean up when ready for inking and possible coloring.
I had my spirit-sis give it a look to help with anything I was missing, to which the crotch needs a little LA Magic and the wrist needs some bulking. For a first sketch in over a year - even I am willing to give myself some praise here.
The plan is to (when I have time/a chance) do some fixes, maybe run it by my super helpful Spirit-Sis editor, and then start inking. It - might wind up being my ONLY "Inktober" drawing, tho I know there's all kinds of drama with the Inktober name/brand/everything. The hope if to then try not to kill it in color, maybe my Ohuhu Markers and try touching some with Color Pencil. I think it might possibly even make a good shirt design maybe? Not sure yet and I also will need to find a good place to post such an endeavor. CafePress is just... old.. and zazzle is an account I lost access to and it doesn't seem to wanna give back to me. Not sure if RedBubble is a thing with make to order items that don't require me shipping and such. Suggestions? Would anyone want an Anti-Ordinary Darket Shirt if I made them... and if I don't somehow botch the image itself.
I'd try to digitize it... but I honestly have no idea what i'm doing with that - even after having gotten a cheaper tablet and a cheaper kinda tablet pen from Walmart to test it with. Just feels so.. strange in all honesty. I need practice and yet haven't the patience at the moment to try to practice. lol
The original phone image is on my Instagram if you wanna see a Blue sketchy for what I hashtag-ed Sketch-tober. XD
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