“ We're Making a New Album!Text above is from the pledge site. They already are at 135% of the goal, but if your a Fan of the Birthday Massacre; I'd say pledge anyway for the amazing perks! Just figured I'd put this out there cuz i'm excited for a New Album! :3
New songs are being created for a new album and now we would like you to join in the experience!
About the project
Thanks for visiting us here. So, we have a brand new collection of songs, and are quite excited by the sound of them so far. We’re putting them together now but thought, “what if the fans could interact with us as we did this and be a part of the process while we make this new record?”
So that’s what we’re doing. And here, we’ll be doing lots of things we’ve never done before, not only with music but also with what we’re offering…just have a look. ”
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