Going to keep it quick tonight.  This one took some doing and was the 2nd drawn, yet third ( and most likely final) finished.  One of the more difficult things to draw is hands and BOY did I struggle here. 

Otherwise, here we have Kawaii in a less seen hair in ponytail look as she shows off her more eerie trait; her glowing pink eyes.  First thing you will ever see of her in the dark and hopefully not the last thing.  Kawaii is here in a more sporty warm weather outfit holding one of her mainstay choices of weapon.  A Japanese style dagger that has more than likely been used in the past.  Her skirt is also not common to see as she tends to be more of a tomboy... tho I am sure she'd enjoy this shirt just for the Kanji alone which translates to reaper or God of Death.  I'd just recommend you don't piss her off. :>

This image is #3 for the Art Challenge my bestie Spirit Sib JJ is having known as #maynochrome. Where you take to drawing and can only use 1 accent color and then traditional black ink.  A great exercise in halftone work, shading, or textures ( As I use din prior image for MaynoChrome)!!  It makes you focus less on the palette of the image and more on the form and textures as well as your shadows and highlights. 

While I know we are at the last day or so of May... it's a great challenge to keep in mind next year when May comes by again!!  Be sure to Hashtag your works as #maynochrome so that Jan and others can check them out!

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