Rather off topic in a way, but watching my usual YouTube Subscriptions last night and saw un of WULAS ( Watch Us Live and Stuff), where one of the Smosh guy's and his GF vlog, and she was talking about a protest she saw and vlogged a little bit about.

It was an animal rights protest and it apparently en-flamed her passion to voice her views on the topic.  From my understanding thru the vlogs... She and Anthony, The Smosh Guy, had started eating vegetarian and then vegan on their own general reasons and while still cheating at times, they stick pretty well to it.  I notice in the videos that California seems to have ALOT of vegan based places to eat apparently which in general I think should be a trend that carries itself across the US.

She posted a blog on the same topic within the day or so, http://frillyandfancy.blogspot.com/2014/07/knowledge-is-power.html,  in which I feel is a entry that everyone should at least read in full.  I'm a meat eater and while I am essentially blissfully unaware of the overall animal treatment issues of our world...  I do have the great pleasure of having met a girl over 10 years ago, who became my best friend that I couldn't imagine living without knowing, whom is vegan.  Her diet was I feel from the start something she was uncomfortable with sharing and took a while before I really knew just how fully Vegan her diet was.

I get alot of conversation from my friend about vegan diet in general for ones health and well being.  The animal treatment doesn't enter in as much, yet it's still an issue that comes into play.  The true guidance i've taken away from having been friends with her for so long is to try new things, to look at labels, to go for the TRUE organic when possible, and that she isn't a bunny.  She's cute as one, but not a fluff bunny.

Kalel's blog focuses on the main issues politically on the meat industry mostly and then on the same echoed words of my friend on how it's not needed.  Again while I take in the info.. my mind still programs to eat things animal based.  I will say I think I eat a lot less meat now than I did in the past, I've always been finicky with my food and hated fruits and vegetables, as well as meat with fattyness on it cuz it tastes so ick and slimy.  So meat was always a on and off in steak form and such, but burgers worked fine.   In the past 10 years though ive found I am more willing to get salad with more than 1 leaf of lettuce.

The views ive learned and felt is more-so on the fact of finding that, while people argue we're made to eat meat, our body's are actually not created to consume certain things.  Milk made in cows for baby cows is one of them.  It's formulated for baby moomoo's not humans.  Yet we consume it like water and praise it's health.  Who was the last Caveman you heard that was lactose intolerant?  The other side of the coin... green foods are made up of chlorophyll that makes it green...  our bodys are made up of that same thing to bring moisture and color to us.  In an Ann Wigmore book I bought under my friends suggestion ( and have horridly been not reading much yet... it's been YEARS)... Ann talks about the need of the same things plants get.. in our bodies.  This makes sense in a way as Kelel notes.. we derived from chimps; unless your of the religion that we just poofed into place and started building NY; and chimps diet is plant based.

I also, while trying to keep this short as I should be in bed {waiting on said friend online}, have conversed with my friend and read of how things like drinking and eating wheat grass can basically super charge your body and even could cure cancer.  And on that topic refer to my post about Christina Cooks.  The food we eat, even the Veg and Fruit is being manipulated by our government to the point it makes us ill and created a secondary government income with the medical industry.  Don't believe that previous comment? Think back or Google when the first person with Restless Leg Syndrome, or ADD, or Erectile dysfunction was.  Literally take a moment to think of the fact that back when your food came by rail car from the respective locations they best grew in the USA; people did not have these illnesses.  We had illness like flu and cold from the temperature changes, we had bug illnesses like malaria, and general body shutdowns from old age, gun shot wounds, and the like.  It wasn't because we never knew what they where...  people in those days wrote everything down as they didn't have facebook to post on.

It was never noted until the times our government started being more in control of the foods we eat, corporations started developing to make and sell our food, most foods made in the same plant when they shouldn't be in the same state, and when the idea of needing more more more production required modifying food and animals to get larger yield.  When this time came, families didn't have to rely on good weather for the wheat crops so they could go to the mill and grind it into flour.. they went to the 5 & Dime and bought the stuff that came from California.  The need to hope for a good year didn't matter as much because our food came from many areas of different climates to ensure your bread got to your table and when the wheat just wouldn't grow fast enough.. they would spray it with some fertilizer to give it a lil kick em up.  That fertilizer then became more popular as farming turned into "Agriculture" and large facilities where made that needed to make profit and thus they spray'ed the crops until the corn giggled.   That same spray then leeches into your food via the plant you eat or the meat of the cow who ate the toxic feed and the cow's body absorbed the food as per normal, yet now it has some funkay stuff in there to go "WTF is this?!" and store into that Tbone you eat.

Again Im being WAYYYY to wordy;  Just check out the blog post, she links a video that I personally have no intention to watch as her vlog mentions barf inducing scenes which I honestly don't need to see.  I can't say im cutting meat from my diet... all I can say is that I try each day to try something new because that something can be plant related.... and I can be encouraged daily by my friend who links me sites with amazing looking foods that are 100% vegan, yet look 100% Epic.   And for me just the result of her diet I see in means of her health, mind, spirit, and body is enough to make me very jealous of the vegan diet... I mean they have recipes for oreos that are no bake, vegan, raw, and taste the exact same as a real one!  Reminds me I need to re-find that recipe and try it. :3

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