So.... who all is stuck in their homes during this virus business?

My workplace seems to be figuring that they won't shutdown unless they are forced too and are sadly like many corporate based places that are not offering Paid Leave or assistance to employee's if they do feel sick or wish to self-isolate.

So I still go to work as the norm and make sure to do the bulk of my paper product usage there as stores look like they going under from ransacking.  It's a scary time for many and panic or fear are rampant.  Those not fearing the virus are fearing it's effects on their living and income.  I for one feel that burn as I already am pretty thin financially.

BUT!!!  Lets look past this and toward the positives:
  • Time to spend with loved ones
  • Some people who are self-isolating are getting a chance to recharge
  • This is forcing people to really access their hygiene practices and that of our nation as a whole.
  • Anyone who needed a week to drown in Animal Crossing gameplay got their wish.
  • Introverts, like myself, are seeing less people in stores that are open! :)

  I also have read that some areas, like the canals in Venice, are becoming clean again with the lack of excessive human interaction.  The world and Nature is getting some time to heal and breath as well.

I urge those who read this or those who are somehow intercepting my mental thoughts as I type - know this is only temporary insanity of the masses and will soon hopefully pass.  We can all only pray and hope that once past, the people of the world will take appreciating of the 30 seconds of soapy hand washing and the time they have to consume and interact in the landscape.

Some fun tips from myself looking from behind my fence of alternate vision:

  • All the media and emails about the virus, from everyone who are subbed to or have accounts with, popping up in mass to your inbox or devices are not worth your consideration or time. The info you really can trust is on the local or federal Health Department Sites.
  • Realize that this virus, as any, does not choose where it starts or who takes responsibility for it's surfacing. While many point wayward fingers at China and those of Chinese heritage; families of the same are struggling from horrid reductions in business.  If you ever loved Take Out or Exploring that Asian Market - NOW is as best of time as any to patronage these folks in any form you are currently able that is still safe for yourself and those around you.  Many offer Curbside or Drive Thru Service!  We must be helping each other no matter the society induced conditions we are given.  They, We, Me, You, ALL of us are the same at our core and deserve the aid and respect of our brother and sisters in kind.
  • Respect!  I cannot stress this point enough in the same 12 pt paragraph spacing.  Events like this are pushed by media and those who have - they want those below them to fight and hate and they want to distract us from the reality of now.  Check up on your friends, neighbors, family, co-workers, and other that may find this entire time trying, worry-some, or anxiety triggering.  Respect everyone's space and expect they wish to give you the same back.  This is a test of humanity and I for one want to see this bring us together now and forever; not another 9/11 where we all helped for a month and then just forgot everything and went back to the norm. 
  • Create!!  If your an artist, creator, or just never tried and ran out of other things to do on your lock down - create something.  Art, Images, crafts, videos, stories, anything that gives you a white-space to express your mind and imagination.  An active mind will never fill with boredom and you will feel cooped up if your time fly's while having fun or just trying something new.  If it's streaming or videos; post on YouTube or Twitch or other streaming sites and share your ideas with others!!  Make a podcast and talk out your stories and thoughts to others and see if your ideas attract more positive like-minded peoples!  Now is the time to tap into the unknown.

I hope these help and I hope everyone stays safe and sane during all of this.  Remember not to hoard paper products!! There will always be enough for everyone - same for anything you buy!  Also don't sub paper Towels for TP; they are made tuff for a reason and your pipes won't like you.  Granted the local plumber will LOVE you! LOL

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