Attacks on citizens of Paris France this past weekend have garnered a universe of support for France while at the same time bringing forefront a battle on immigration to our country and others.  While our city leaders have shown no hesitation in allowing all whom wish to reside per business as usual; the city has become a small internet star in the form of imagery of the still under construction venue once known as Glen Gardens.

Hours after the initial reports of the attack in France; workmen bustling to erect secondary structures to a stage system where told by site managers to leave the premise and return home.  150 members of the compilation between MegaStage Enterprises of Chicago, IL and Shawn Russ Heavy Building and Construction of Valley Pines, AR were told to leave the site to be with family and loved ones as direct order from the now current owner of the property.

" Some of us had just being hearing about it from others coming back from their breaks when our boss said that he was told to send us home.  At first a few of us thought we had lost a contract until they told us to return December 1st." a foreman for the company told News5 who quickly picked up the story of the crew's being sent home.

New5 representatives said that they had been doing a story on the new venue and it's swift progress when men started leaving the site.

A email to owner of the property, Jag, was returned with the below statement:

" In a time when people have perished and been shaken of all safety and security worldwide, I have no intention to leave them as ghosts to the world and their true inspirations; be it their families or loved ones; for the building of a facility built on the scheme of peace and coexistence."

The following day photos started to pour onto local social media as the Owner and 3 crew members climbed the finished stage area.  By noon social media was a buzz with photos and video of a french flag with a peace sign in the middle; draped from the top of the central stage structure and covering the entirety of the opening to the center unit.  The flag, which still is hung on the stage, has gotten much attention to many who have shared it a total of 1.5 million times in the last week.

" I have a small group of special men who I call my Project pets; I contacted then the morning after the attacks and asked if they would be willing to come in for a hour or so and help me install the flag I had made overnight.   I never look at the price it takes to have made it or have it overnight-ed to the jobsite.  All 3 men said they would be more than happy to help and I made sure they were paid cash at a overtime wage.  Money has no value to me compared to having the chance to do something small to help others." Jag responded in an interview on New5's local Morning Show last Tuesday. Adding "I know there is fear about New Years events at the site, but I halted all work until the first of December so these men and women can be with families and gather love and support without work on their minds.  It just happens this was a week prior to an already planned holiday off week that I was to tell the crews of that Monday."

When asked how long the flag was to be on the stage, Miss Jag answered with " It will stay until we have no choice to move it and I will then personally make sure we find a permanent place for it within the site. "

City Officials from the Mayor's office have commended Miss Jag and all the men and women working on the project for their hard work and for the small gesture that has created a big voice.  On return the crews will be finishing 2 side structures to the stage, doing final lighting installation and beginning the landscape placement.

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