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It is a common for me to see anime or even snippets of it and have some kind of feeling or visual to what I am seeing. Being that I have my own small little gathering of characters I am always at a loss to find a place for or to at least really know what to do with them or where their lives should progress; I will from time to time find me using anime inspired things for one or more of my character's lives.
Beyond that point I at times see anime's like Soul Eater and Durarara and be in awe at those feelings and inspirational moments in my mind and after a while will from repeat watching or just sudden realization find that the lessons or simple messages from these shows pour into real life beyond online characters and visuals to a real life and real meaning to the character's moment.
Soul Eater had a few that are amazing lessons for those who are shy or have depression that they are fighting that is centered on social anxiety. It also has messages of strength and the overall general strength of women that Japan has in a lot of it's "cartoons" or Anime. From Sailor Moon and onward thru so many female characters both good and bad who are strong and independent, something most Western animation has for a long time been very light on.
Durarara has many generalized lessons of life and overall amazing observations. The greatest of them is simply the power of people. The power for many people to make a large difference without ever really knowing each other or the person or thing that joins them as one.
Bear in mind, I am speaking of the first Season/series... not the newer Durarara X2.
But after slowly falling into a bit of a trance of watching Anri Animated Music Videos (AMV) on YouTube, I had to see the fight scenes again and picked a rather annoying form to view them. If your a big fan of adverts ever like 5 minutes; crunchyroll free is for you!. However as I watched a few episodes that started around midpoint of her in a bunny suit and then got to the right area to see her fights with the girl slasher who thought she was herself the big and mighty. I found myself noticing something very very powerful after binging that point to the end; amount 4-5 episodes I feel.
Spoilers beyond... click if you dare!
Something that I had missed prior from watching the first time. I let my mind dig deeply into Anri's story more.. I had skipped the main plots and kinda been more focused on her main story and the more I thought and, thanks to the Dub version i was watching ( shhh... I am aware might be some incorrect translations), understood about Anri and just what really was going on. I became more amazed.
She wasn't so like most girls in anime with a power she is trained in and learns for her use later in life. Anri obtained something thru a horrid and traumatic event that at the same time might have saved her life. And when you link the fact prior some commented "the slasher stopped 5 years ago" and Anri's telling of how she has been holding for 5 years the voices.
Anri has accepted Saika in a way and can control it thru her fear to love again. Something that at first you think is simple anime talk, but when you bring into real life the situation. You can easily find it matched many whom has gone thru abusive childhoods, abusive relationships, and just those hurt deeply by family loss or breakups.
Anri is very much a vision of those people male or female, while in this case shown in a female form, where like anyone going thru these events in many ways.. will all generally come to fear interaction with others, to have issues feeling for another person again or to start with. Anri I feel was unable to bring love to herself due to her parents and saika's being.
Yet instead of letting this take over her and control her; Anri fought it and went out and interacted while still not being ready to love, she was able to live her life. It is not until she finds people who are willing to step beyond the stereotype or the assumptions to befriend her; that she feels at least like she is being loved by others.
People from such previously mentioned situations at times are unable to find people willing to look past the rumors and claims. Anri is belittled by the slasher girl with the use of rumors of her parents. That her parents got killed by a killer and Anri gave her body to the killer for her own life. The way it is show is both sickening yet tactful. Again sadly in real life many people will assume the same or come with similar sickening taunts and callings for people. Those abused sexually in the past will have much like Anri got for teasing and especially when people don't know the real situation as it happened, they only add pain and distrust to the person affected.
Anri pushes thru and in the end decides her time simply fighting saika's powers and avoiding it controlling her is not the answer... she takes control and says she will stop hiding and running and not let others be hurt. Her powers she uses in such a way that she does not rapidly attack as did the other girl (I wish I remembered her name), but for her calculated moves to stop the girls attacks and then give her a vision of the truth. The truth in the end that the girl cannot phantom anyone being able to bear the voices Anri hears endlessly. Anri's final move is not to kill but to educate and then use her power to remove the power from the other girl.
If we all just once could hear the voices in the head of someone who has gone thru events like abuse or depression or family hardships... i feel we would hear those same voices that those people hear and most of us would not be able to bear them. Yet many people in the USA and elsewhere suffer an eternity of voices telling them what is wrong with them, that it's their own fault, that they are not worth love or kindness, that no one will ever love them. These people fight every day like Anri did and sadly at times those same people cannot bear it themselves and act upon the darkness.
I urge you all to watch Durarara and watch it both for the fun but also notice the messages. I want people who have gone thru the situations i mentioned previously in this post to watch if they feel comfortable. I feel it would at least give some hope to them or make them see there is a reason they fight sometimes and that in the end... they will find the person they can fully trust again no matter how long - they will find that person.
Hope you guys find more amazing messages in anime like I have. It's so mind blowing at times.
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