So my vacation I have to Arkansas is on July 20th.  Granted the 19th is the start of it, yet I will most likely due to current temporary work hours keeping me at work til 10pm, and I am not ready at all!!  0-0;

The major condition I gave myself is I had to get the tired replaced on the Aveo before vacation and I will have to try to get up SUPER early Monday and rush to the shop to drop off the car and get a loaner as they do that.  Meaning car needs to be cleaned out and I still have to dottle my finances to make sure I have the funds arranged.

I also have to arrange hotel yet, which i'll do online, and get ready to pack as well.  Stressful next week or so indeed. Also still have to renew my driver's licence before it expires. x.x

My plan for the trip is more simple and lacking detail as I am not going to try and follow Route 66 this time.  Last years trip seemed to be a lot more than I bargained for and I lost a lot of time.  This time I will drive straight there with only a few side-trips if needed (ie. Fuel, Food, or interesting Photo Ops).

My hope if to get to Arkansas on the normal 12-hour time and check into the hotel... and depending on the time of that day either go get supper and go to bed... or cruise around a bit.  After that again there is no real plan other than the shameless Sam and Ella's Pizza Palace run in Tahlequah, OK and I might ponder trying to get some video of the Arkansas & Missouri trains.  I could also go to Ft. Smith... and also I kinda wanna check out the Eureka Springs, AR area to check into some info I have seen online of the old rail route for what was once the Frisco Line.   Eureka Springs is a bit of a trip and can be very people crowded, which doesn't do good for my shyness, yet its also a very mystical place of history and standing charm from old Victorian houses and streets to the Crescent Hotel ( rated as a top haunted hotel in the USA).  It is also known to have a very large Gay and Lesbian citizenship, which doesn't bother me as I don't have issues with that kind of lifestyle.  I do not follow it myself and would rather NOT be approached by someone of that lifestyle in a romantic way.... but I still accept the fact that they love differently then me and others do.

The entire concept is simply to love who you feel a connection with.  It's why I oddly have a deep soul warming feeling when I think of Kawaii and Silverspirit's connection as they are Bi; having first been together as a couple and over time developing a love for opposite genders.  They still are very close and they still have those feelings for each other.  They connect on a level of trust and common ground being the same gender and knowing there more to the relationship than just sex and a facade.  They understand each others wishes and feelings and desires and can communicate that without words.

But getting off topic here;  Basically I just wanna get to what I feel is my home state, even if I was born in Wisconsin, and experience the welcoming feelings again.  My life goal per say is to get into a situation where I may return to Arkansas to live some day.  It is a very large almost unrealistic goal I feel, but I will try to make it.  Financial matters are always my downfall as I am not the best at them.

I'll try to get photos to post here and maybe also on instagram and, if any really good photos, the spirit bridge DeviantArt account.  I just need to get my head on straight and get moving on being ready for this. 0-0;;

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