Friday, October 02, 2020

The Reaper & The Cop // Reap What You Sow (And Love)

A story i made in 2017/2018 and originally posted here as a tumblr link - came up in conversation today.  Prompting me to rediscover the link brought the realization that the old tumblr it was on is long gone and the story lost within that. Dragging from my external drive - Below you can find the story under the cut of this post and read this story between a cop and his unassuming girlfriend with a deep secret. Leave comments and share the story if you liked it! 


Saturday, August 22, 2020

County to reopen amid National uncertainty :: {fictional news article}

 SOUTHSTAR GLEN :: Aug. 21, 2020

Southstar County Clerk addressed in a early morning Zoom meeting today the results of month long talks and preparations for the reopening of the county amid national uncertainty and rising COVID19 cases nationally. 

" Today we take the cautious step to reopen a county which has been closed or limited in it's actions since February this year.  We don't take this choice lightly and understand there will be a process and many will voice their views for or against this ruling." stated officials within the televised zoom meeting. 

The county's decision was made via a 87% for, 13% against vote of county board officers this past Monday with the orders drafted throughout the week.  County Health Officials noted the below bullet points for business's and citizens as the county starts to reopen it's doors:

    • We ask all Citizen's to respect others and maintain Social Distance as possible and suggest continued use of face coverings for a minimum of the remainder of the year a we navigate the COVID19 situation within the USA.
    • Business owners are asked to limit crowding of spaces and maintain all appropriate governance to keep patron's safe and comfortable within your spaces.  Noting each patron's views will differ and should be accommodated as possible.
    • All county education institutions will continue off-site learning via digital/streaming systems and intermittent visitation for resource material and Quality-of-Life assistance programs ( Food Assistance, Voting Location Use, Tutor Aid, & Administrative Actions) for remainder of 2020 school season.  Higher Education / Paid Admissions Learning Centers are suggested to offer credits to student's for Housing, Admissions, and Supplies costs as possible. 
    • Public events are suggested to be postponed or cancelled until 2021 Year, due to logistics to maintain social distancing.  Smaller public gatherings are suggested to organize proper distance for patrons and offer added systems to improve comfort for those wearing face coverings.
    • All Emergency and Social Assistance employee's are required to wear face coverings, scrubs, and/or gloves as required by task preformed on call.  Any employee's aiding COVID positive or probable patients must be tested within 12 hours of contact and are required a minimum of 7 day quarantine-in-place to reduce risk of spreading to other employee's and patients. 

 When asked about the face coverings requirement, County Clerk Ellison stated; " We are currently not Mandating a county-wide mask requirement nor enforcing the State mandate as priority.  We ask and suggest citizen's utilize face coverings when appropriate to minimize spread of droplet illnesses, be it COVID or common Cold and Flu". 

Late in July, Southstar County voted 92% for the reform of county law enforcement  through a 3 part bill which was unheard of for the area and the nation.  The bill, drafted as the "Duty to Service Reform Bill", called for reforms county wide for all county supported law enforcement agencies and went into affect July 10th, 2020. 

The bill's three big motions put the county in the spotlight as they were drafted to both re-evaluate the way the county enforces laws, the general equipment requirements for officers, and mandated county level review of all 3,000 law enforcement employee's within the county. At time of publishing; The county board had reviewed 760 employee's; of which 3 were sent documentation to appear in county court hearing early September for questioned actions or unclear texts. 

Opposition from some organizations and citizen's lead to the removal of wording within the 2nd part of the bill which would have removed all lethal means from officer's equipment.  Yet that same part puts heavy restrictions on lethal use and the daily carry of such items. 

" Bill 983C Part 2.b Revised Section 7SSG: The carry of lethal means arms and gear of daily use, common carry, or routine operations will be forbidden within the county of Southstar Glen starting the 10th day of July, the 2020 year.  All law enforcement employee's within public space or on common duty may carry blunt implement ( Baton, Switch-Stick, closed fist...), Issued Hand Restraint systems serialized to their possession and care, consumer grade pepper or retardant spray, and personal communication devices. Additional allowances of personal property ( Cell Phones, Automotive Keys, Door Keys, Identification Cards) allowable as long as not deemed a means of harm or lethal by county corrections statutes of 1997. " 

This section is also indented with new equipment requirements and  new uniform requirements of all employees including that all law enforcement vehicles contain basic fire fighting equipment and a mobile Advanced Life Support system.  Uniforms will now be required to have clear identifiable badges, patches, or stitching which shows an officer's Badge Number, Last Name, and Rank.  Uniforms are also required to now have Clearly noted text on back which denotes the department's rank ( City Police, Sheriff, or State Trooper) and Badge number.  Section 12SSG going as far as to prohibit the use of any uniform wear that could be mistaken as civilian or that would hinder the publics ability to identify law enforcement officers in crowds. 

" I personally have not heard any negativity to the new laws and many of my colleagues seem to feel these new laws are well overdue" noted Deputy Ingram who patrols Valley Pines North-Side.  " Some of us have even noted we feel the reduction of gear weight may improve our abilities to work as our gear on person has now reduced by 4 lbs" Ingram added; noting that officers will, at times, need to chase down offenders and the average gear weight for county officers has been 25 lbs. 

The county expects to assess the new bill's affects in Early December and expect employee reviews by the board will be completed by early 2021. They also plan to have polling guidelines in place by mid-September for November's voting. 

Valley Daily Times
Valley Pines, AR 


* This is a fictional news article used for general story development. It is in no way affiliated with any true news entity nor has any fact within it or to that of real events.  While of a political and current tone - it is in no way meant to choose a side within the political and moral landscape currently in place within the USA or World.  This is fully in reference to the story world lived in my my personal characters and not for re-post or to be taken as truth or for distribution. 

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Residents to see major changes by Mid-July :: {fictional news article}

SOUTHSTAR GLEN :  Residents of Southstar County will see changes in the wave of pandemic & social-based reforms culminate by the middle of July.  Details of these changes entered into county board voting lists and will be voted on the week of July 6th.

With surges of COVID19 cases within the US; Southstar County Health officials are staying cautious as cities like Southstar Glen slowly roll out a reopening plan.  A plan that has now seen forms of backtracking as the city starts requesting citizen's wear masks when out in public and alerting select businesses of possible closures returning.  Backtracking has already met disapproval from some owners who are already struggling to keep afloat amid past closures and overwhelmed county assistance funding flow. 

Zak Takai of ZeroEvo Designs and Publishing is still awaiting his county aid totaling over $5,000 to assist him after closing to clients in February. " I get the issues of overwhelming the system right now, but I am at risk of bankruptcy, and another closure while I still wait for my funding will strain us more" noted Takai.

Other local businesses that were unable to offer delivery or offsite services are also hurting and some have already closed stores either temporarily or permanently.  The Glen Gardens' facility; a largely privatized corporate company owned facility, which has been closed since March, has not seen as much effect of the pandemic.  Through email, campus offices told us that they are not feeling the financial impact, but more so the effect of limited staff for general maintenance.

Additional closures include the interurban train system that was shut down for the pandemic and remains closed until mid-July for a major renovation of their entire system.  Valley Pine Transit Authority spokesman, Tim Breze, noted that while a newer line for the area - the company decided to future-proof the lines with rail improvements and pre-set connections for future expansion if able.

Another major change to be seen under vote is the first of its kind in the US and shows a small, but meaningful victory for current advocates for reform in our police systems. After protests and violence flooded the nation; as many as 12,000 people marched to the main county courthouse in Southstar Glen to voice their desires for reform.

County officials addressed the groups of protesters the following day noting they had been heard and that the Sheriff's office will investigate any claims of abuse or incident reports in the last 5 years.  Col. Sherry Mills noted in a Zoom meeting; "We were shocked to find that we had quite a few minor reports and thankfully no larger issues".  " We recognize the issue and both sides of the topic as we plan to move forward with added reviews and await the county board's final decisions" Mills added.  Three total issues of unnecessary force had been found, 2 of which from deputies who were still employed by the office until this past Tuesday as the Sheriff's office reported both deputies had been released from employment without pension. 

The vote this coming Monday will bring, what sources are calling unprecedented, changes to the Sheriff's office and local law enforcement.  One deputy of 4 years' service told us, via email, that many have heard that one voted topic may involve the removal of lethal implementation from the department - replacing firearms with Taser and other non-lethal sidearms. "I honestly am not worried about the vote. If it comes to us being disarmed - it won't change how I work and the duty I am trusted with. It may be a welcomed change" noted the deputy who asked to be unnamed.

Valley Pines Police Department has already implemented a test of unarmed officers and some with Taser's replacing the firearm that has been the police staple for decades.  VPP resource clerk told the Star that the order was made in Mid-June and that only officers in higher crime areas or Traffic control are armed with Taser systems.  Noting that other officers do still carry batons, handcuffs, citizen issue pepper spray, as well as Advance EMS FastPak kits in each car.

VPP's actions are noticed and have started to be discussed at the Southstar Glen and Forestview Police departments as they acquire alternative equipment. "The world isn't what it once was when we patrolled with a uniform, flashlight, cuffs, and a smile. Our citizens know this and yet we are fully aware we are now all walking targets of emotions and anger." noted a Southstar Glen officer; adding" I try not to let the politics of it all affect me on duty.  People have been killed by men in my position that let the job grow their egos and I don't support any of that, not now or ever. But I know there is a target on me, the others, and we are a bit concerned for our safety as well".

Valley Pines has noted that some officers have had angry citizens damage their cars while patrolling and all cases were taken into custody for the destruction of city property.  "We have to remember that our officers are still human as well and their safety is just as important as that of those who attack them in anger. In the end, we still have a duty to perform" noted an officer during our interviews.

The votes will come to the board Monday and can see immediate activation if passed.  Among the law enforcement bills; other decisions include the COVID19 county action to reopen vote, county budget, the final vote of VPTA's request for limited freight operation, & 2021 Event briefing.  Currently, all events within the county have been canceled as the Glen Gardens has gates fully closed and is adorned with black flags; the Valley Pines Coliseum has been closed with all event tickets being refunding thru online ticketing systems.

July 2, 2020  ::  Southstar Star

* This is a fictional news article used for general story development. It is in no way affiliated with any true new entity nor has any fact within it or to that of real events.  While of a political and current tone - it is in no way meant to choose a side within the political and moral landscape currently in place within the USA or World.  This is fully in reference to the story world lived in my my personal characters and not for re-post or to be taken as truth or for distribution.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Maynochrome #3 - Reaper Eyes

Going to keep it quick tonight.  This one took some doing and was the 2nd drawn, yet third ( and most likely final) finished.  One of the more difficult things to draw is hands and BOY did I struggle here. 

Otherwise, here we have Kawaii in a less seen hair in ponytail look as she shows off her more eerie trait; her glowing pink eyes.  First thing you will ever see of her in the dark and hopefully not the last thing.  Kawaii is here in a more sporty warm weather outfit holding one of her mainstay choices of weapon.  A Japanese style dagger that has more than likely been used in the past.  Her skirt is also not common to see as she tends to be more of a tomboy... tho I am sure she'd enjoy this shirt just for the Kanji alone which translates to reaper or God of Death.  I'd just recommend you don't piss her off. :>

This image is #3 for the Art Challenge my bestie Spirit Sib JJ is having known as #maynochrome. Where you take to drawing and can only use 1 accent color and then traditional black ink.  A great exercise in halftone work, shading, or textures ( As I use din prior image for MaynoChrome)!!  It makes you focus less on the palette of the image and more on the form and textures as well as your shadows and highlights. 

While I know we are at the last day or so of May... it's a great challenge to keep in mind next year when May comes by again!!  Be sure to Hashtag your works as #maynochrome so that Jan and others can check them out!