Saturday, June 29, 2024

Double Decade Star....


side by side of early and last drawn Silverspirit imagery
© 2024 Dave McCoy, Celix Productions

Keeping with trying to be at least a bit more active, retrospective?, on Instagram/Socials - edited & posted a new #flashbackfriday reel on Silverspirit. I believe she was the 4th "Celix Girl" created, possibly 3rd. 

Check out the reel embedded below or on my Instagram account for the full progression of art of Silverspirit VixenFox from 2001 ~ 2019.



 Additionally - I am still considering my options on trying different layout styles/templates for this blog. I found a nice one a while back for another little side personal project I have that is less art related and more photography focused that has been on and off in practice.  I just am not fully convinced by the overall layout it uses would work as well for art minded blog posts. 

We'll see soon enough. I am still on the fence with the site concept. But I am also still trying to find the best balance of work and online things, let alone feeling I can allow myself to relax or rest yet. BUT! Progress in small steps right?! 

I am enjoying these kinda retrospective speed edit sessions for Instagram reels of my characters and their art progressions. Hard for me to say I improved (I'm stubborn like that), but the quality shift is evident!.

Until Next time!! SeeYa!

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