Thursday, July 27, 2023

GoFundMe is Live - any support & sharing appreciated

Dang, two posts within the same month?! Who am I?

One might say this post will be a less fun topic, yet it is more of a step forward.

Some may or may not know this, but I am rather introverted, possibly to an extreme. I also tend to be rather stubborn & the cocktail of the two traits makes it difficult for me to openly ask for help from others.

That said. I have created a GoFundMe campaign which I have been quietly peddling for the last week. Again asking for help is already difficult & feels like I'm bothering people, let alone doing so to the world of the internet chock full of people I don't know.

So, a little about the campaign and my goals.

The GoFundMe is meant as a way for me to try and explore all options I have to get my head above water financially. A long stint of poor decisions, life events, workplace tomfoolery, and the like has placed a financial future in question. Turning 42 last week obviously adds to the stress and realization I am not getting younger and currently have zero retirement funding or a proper career that could offer real security.

Driving a forklift or doing shipping & receiving tasks for $21-$25/hour won't allow me to find financial peace, move back to Arkansas, or offer a secure retirement. My own mismanaging of my life, up to now, has not helped the situation.

As noted on the campaign page, I am not expecting much from this. I understand the counter-intuitive thinking this brings to the table. I hope to be proven wrong and maybe even make a go of this. Yet I also know there are more viable uses of people's money, better charities, and campaigns to fund on the platform. I again must stress I am weighing all my options to try and rectify the wrongs I've made in the last 30+ years.

I am on the list to attend a Union building & construction trades orientation for Milwaukee's "Big Step" on August 10th. I hope to find myself a place in heavy equipment operation, or "Operating Engineer " as they call it, to find better wages, benefits, and a career that could help me find security. If that does not pan out - I will have to regroup and consider what I can do for either higher pay (which has not been easy to come by) or re-explore the idea of truck driving (which has a high risk of defaulting on my bills during the low-paying training period).

Overall, this campaign could help with getting a firm standing if successful. I'll try not to flood socials about it as best I can.

To keep it Artsy minded, here we have a Darket from my adventures of Live3D's AI Art generation. She is ready for bed, a place I should have been by now, giving you the moe eyes. You can check out the last blog post on my recent Artificial Intelligence artwork journey with the help of Live3D's website. 

©2023 Character, Dave McCoy
©2023 Imagery, Live3D AI Art Generator

Until next time! 

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