Updated the blog header again, It's still a work in progress honestly. Even while I opened the editor to create this post - my mind bubbled the question/idea of better offering small imagery for each post. This makes some more options for any newer template attempts. I also noticed while rearranging; that the "Featured Post" needs an image on a post for it to look nice.
I've changed featured to the topical post. My stance isn't changing and I haven't done the USA standard of most companies of faking allegiance to a group for about a month and then just wiping clear after that month ends. -Cough Cough-
My country, the USA, has a lot of things they need to change. I'd never expect that when I grew older - my feelings of living here would go from passive to feeling oddly concerned by seeing "old Glory" en-mass. I am not bashing my country, but I quietly observe and shake my head. The flag lust has become outrageous and concerning in my opinion. Gun love is also very disturbing and I've never been a fan of guns as a whole. I'm not touching on the BIGGER issues of our nation ( such as Roe v Wade). Simply; It's not my place to have judgement. I refuse to be bullied by people claiming their fight for human rights and then snap at me that my passive position is "confirmation I am part of the problem". Just as BLM, my view of "All Lives Matter" is not demeaning the BLM movement - instead is broadening the call for humanity to see equal value in ALL life.
Row Vs. Wade - as myself being male - is not my fight. And before I am attacked with " Sure... typical MAN!"; I believe that women should have their right to personally choose things. At the same time, Women and Men need to understand the implications of their actions. Sex has become almost a trend and something people disconnected from the reality of it being a form of human mating and creation of life.
I'm not going to text dump my views here and all. Just Sex should be an action of reverence for your conjoined love together. It should be that special thing that gets peppered in during special moments between other joined activities. Like talking walks together, drives together, living your lives together and creating a true bond. Sex can lead to pregnancy and that creates a major decision to make and if you choose to retain your child - it requires at minimum of 18 years of your life to raise correctly this child and provide for them. Sadly I feel many have kids and it's an after-thought and some people have abortions. Most of those are due to the neglect of realizing that sex creates life.
Additionally; "As a Man", I believe the VAST amount of "Men" in the USA have not been raised correctly. I've spent a long time of my life being called negative things for having a less manly mindset and almost feeling disdain against other males who seem to focus on sex, women as objects, and that whole " You must have sex at XXX Date/Age". Those mindsets are the ones that tell me these men were not raised well at all. And tend to lead to men abusing women in various ways. Rape being one of the reasons for abortion - That's solely on Men usually and again.. their shitty parents not raising them correctly. My grandparents I lived with my whole life did well to teach me better and thus my views are how they are today.
0-0 Dayum.... didn't mean to get this political. Sorry for the IRL Vomit of words.
What I was just trying to say was... I've tweaked a little on the header image and the featured post if fixed up some. please be safe out there people!! Don't let news and media rot your mind with negativity.
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