So... I want to make a quick blog here.
Last night, a sizable storm system swept the USA. Using the situation as a topic to brainstorm and create some stories for my characters, including content for an experimental character twitter that I will not name due to the experiment being an ongoing thing. The latter used last night's blog for a cropped tweet screenshot for content imagery to go with the tweet.
Of course, during this time - it was still early in the night, our WI snow hadn't come yet, and overall there was not a lot of activity really out there. If I recall, the storms had just fired in Central AR & were moving Northeast. After the posts here and on Twitter - I moved to chat with my online BFF and then went to bed. I awoke, late as I seem to always do, and checked the Twitter feed to find that the storms had, in fact, dropped a little snow here but also laid waste to entire states. This makes last night's post a bit sour in some terms, but it also gives me the chance to make this post now.
I've tweeted a sizeable string of tweets threaded together, rather shoddily as I'm horrid at sewing.
This thread has info on ways to donate to organizations in the affected areas, or at least what I could find with googling while in mid-tweet. If you know other local options for donating, reply to the tweet with links! I feel Twitter is the fastest and most common way to pass this type of information. It's instantaneous and lends well to added media to help Twitter push it into people's feeds more than my blog would be seen.
Just wanted to say that, as I know, part of me feels like the backside of a donkey as things have unfolded. It was all based on the moment of brainstorming and not malicious in any way. :)
Remember, we are all humans on this spinning globe in the universe - no matter the titles, labels, and hurdles we place in front our ourselves or others.
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