• The following is a fictional news article intended for story building and writing practice use only. None of the following is meant to be true, factual, political, or taken seriously. This entry connects to character development of Jag Greer.
The 15th anniversary of the Jaqueline Greer runaway case is marked by national attention as Los Angeles County Sherriff's Office confirmed the arrest of performer "The Qu" at her LA summer home on initial grounds of substance abuse and a retainer for unpaid services.
The Greer case opened in 2006 when Jaqueline Greer was reported as a runaway to the Southstar County Sherriff's office. Her parents noted her desire to attend the concert by "The Qu" as the primary possible reason for running away. Deputies questioned Qu the following day and searched the grounds finding no sign of Greer. The 16-year-old was described by her father, a retired Army Officer and Forestview EMS, as independent and hard-headed. Noting when first interviewed that they fully take responsibility for her actions due to a heated argument earlier that day before her disappearance.
A LA photographer bringing Miss Qu to court and initiating retainer noted that he had worked for Qu 20 years and was due back pay over 10 years. The plaintiff, Mr. Sly Bennch, noted in court documents seeing a younger girl with the defendant during a 2008 session, and questions of her were met with anger. Bennch also recalls the girl looked lost and showed signs of abuse. These statements have reignited the now cold case as the LA County sheriff contacted area officials concerning the case Saturday morning.
Southstar County Sherriff's offices stated that they had received the call which quickly sparked a mild trending tag on social media in the area. Yet also noted that the case had passed the limitations both in the age of the runaway and age of the case by County statutes. " The now 31-year-old Greer is now legally considered an adult and thus no longer, per county statutes, considered a runway minor" stated Officer Benz. " All information we had prior to the close of this case in 2016 pointed to the evident unwanted terms that she was no longer alive" he added.
Officials assumed that Greer would have gone to the concert and may have been lured or baited by someone with unjust intentions. A body recovered in 2009 was initially suspected to be Greer until DNA tests proved negative.
Today's charges to Miss Qu bring an already declining career to a crashing end as her label sent a mentor of her, who shares the same music label, to give news of Qu's removal from the label. Miss Qu had also affected the city of Southstar Glen with her failed attempt at purchase of the original Glen Garden's Complex which she defaulted on by the end of her first year - leaving the label to acquire the complex and later transfer the contract to their more popular creator, Jag. Some have speculated the company holding (Greer Properties) points ties to performer Jag, but were subdued when Miss Jag explained her hearing of the case years prior and felt the need to support the family and honor the name through her acquisitions locally. Jag's response to emails simply stated " Myself and my Label take great shame in today's news and have disbanded from the defendant." later tweeting the news of Miss Qu's release.
Currently, Miss Qu is on self-paid bail of $50,000 and stands to face trial in early November for 2 counts of possession, 3 counts of failure to pay a debt, and Felony interfering with federal runaway recovery efforts. If convicted - she will face a minimum of 5 years in federal prison.
When asked about her connections to the Greer case, she publicly admitted the girl had arrived at her show and she had targeted her to groom as potential new talent. Qu also stated the two separated ways in 2008 with her having no knowledge where Greer went.
Jaqueline Greer's father, Bryce Greer, was asked for comment and replied to our email stating; "Today's news changes nothing we have felt and believed. While many have felt the pains of the last 2 years with COVID & social tensions; I and my wife have spent 15 years in pain and uncertainty. We have faith in our daughter and while her actions may have placed her in danger - we feel she has our drive to overcome adversity." Greer's father had helped authorities while the case was open with locations of former bases he was stationed in which Greer may have gone to, but all leads have come up empty.
Today's charges in Los Angeles County bring an aura of hope and yet anger. Many on social media's calling Miss Qu names and some groups and businesses parting ways with the singer by pulling products and a group using a wood chipper to destroy CDs and merchandise she had sold in front of the courthouse Qu was brought to. Many calling for her to be tried for the potential murder of Greer.
LA County Sherriff's office also stated to our email; " The defendant will be tried for her civil crimes in Mid September before transport to Federal Courts in association to charges involved with the Greer girl's case. She has attested to no wrongdoing in the safety of the missing girl and that she was seen with the girl up until they split in 2008.". The local case remains cold and due to county laws will not be reopened due to these new findings.
Greer's family is still positive she is alive and well, albeit hardened by a potentially flawed runaway plan. Her mother seemed at peace as she added to interviews; " My girl is out there... that alone is hope. She may be hiding, ashamed, scared, or fearing how we would accept her after 15 years. I speak candidly for myself and my husband that we accept her no matter what these years have created and carved into our little girl and keep positive one day we will meet and hope she will accept our apologies for the events that created this".
Saturday, August 28, 2021 -|- SOUTHSTAR STAR
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