I'm sorry its been quiet on the blog again.
In an effort of transparency; I tend to find more and more that I am easily overwhelmed and easily discouraged. Work has been an on and off bear to take on and with weekends I have off becoming a endless loop of feeling unaccomplished - it wears quickly.
I'm still procrastinating fully on a downsize of my grandmother's estate that is going on 3 years. She had a lot of things, but I also find my brain sabotages me from getting progress made as it would rather drive around the countryside aimlessly. This is where I need my characters to help me get on track; which may sound both strange to say and borderline insane. I - am hashing around the idea of trying to make a few YouTube videos where I try to draw or speed-paint while discussing my current views on art or creative things in general. My overwhelming shyness is not happy. LOL
I'm not been stagnant however; Some choice character's have taken it upon themselves to go headlong into social media for themselves ( This is my brain being creative to tell you some of the Celix Productions characters have social medias). Some I post on with the obvious fine text that they are a character; while at least 1 of the "Second Generation" characters is on Twitter posing as a real breathing person as my first experiment into twitter for characters. Something I saw and became at awe with from the YouTube Adult Cartoon "Helluva Boss". The creator and her team of artists (I think) have character twitters for them to interact as if they existed in real life - I wanted to try it as well, but in my doofy hard mode way of wanting them to not be obviously "character".
It's a VERY interesting challenge idea and I highly recommend people who have characters they wish to develop on or are having issues building; to create them a twitter with the challenge of making the real. Set their environment as you wish, but in my case of a character living in an Arkansas based town while I live in Wisconsin;Real photos become a challenge and I like to think I've started to master the angles needed to sneak photos like the character made them. I've also photo-shopped up some phone screenshots to create fake app screens for the character to share.
The character went from fairly new and fresh from the toaster - into a Anime Obsessive, a Factory Press Operator, YouTube hobbyist with a following, Japanese fluent, Cosplay girl who mixed with Ottaku, general, and fun tweets and her deep moments as she simply expresses her views of the world and how us humans act. She's naive to the human ways and yet has a inner understanding I can only wish I had ( ironic no?). I - kinda don't wanna blow her cover so to speak; but maybe i'll try a poll to see if anyone who visits the blog can guess the character.
I've also allowed myself the ability to step into a more... R-rated voice though Jag on her Twitter that is obviously noted as a character account. It's fun and it still has slowly brought into light deeper character information as well and how she'd interact.
Rio has taken to tumblr to try her hand at digital story writing. Fleshing out thoughts in a longer format that she probably wouldn't turn into her class instructor's for her literary classes. Again allowing me for a more R-rated voice and also to dig more into Rio who had taken a HUGE 180 direction around 2018-2020 behind the scenes. Some things where in an old tumblr I made for her and then somehow managed to delete accidentally. I'm sure Rio is still very nervous of me being around her tumblr in the edit section. I was smart enough this time to give Rio her own account instead of tying it to my Celix tumblr, which is how it got deleted prior. But Rio has gone through a very rough path of lows and is self reflecting with her writing as well. There are some deep topics and so I'd rank it as something more for people above 18 if possible.. for sure no one under 16. It is interesting to think how Rio's creation came to be and the self struggle her creation brought at first - then to see now after alot of revisions and changes and mulling in the back of my mind... to see what she's becoming.
I'm... waffling.... sorry.
Simply; I haven't abandoned - just simply fighting work and the procrastination. In July, for my birthday week, I am taking a trip back up to South Dakota to meet a family historian and hear story's from my grandmother's first husband's side of the family. Personally a lot of change is also happening I will write about once the first big hurdle is cleared. Until then!! Keep watch for randomness and see if you can find the Kawaiichi Sister with the experimental Twitter! "Kawaiichi" is your hint akay? :3
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