I am really, truly, honestly excited about this photo.  It is available on my SpiritBridge Society6 Store as "Old Country Christmas Welcome". 

Part of my Christmas decorations, this old door I had was given a Dollar Store Wreath ( Dollar General) which I put some LED lights on & then some lights behind it, wound around two nails, that twinkle.  The effect of the decor, that is now in the front of the house in a spot normally dark, just amazes me considering how simple it was.   It came from seeing a few Pinterest posts of just door decor. That was what inspired the idea of the door with a wreath; the back-lighting i came up with on my own. 

Huge payoff in my opinion and the photo I took as you can see above is just amazing as well!!  Again click linkies above there to order prints and stationary cards of this image.  I personally got 3 cards for Christmas card sending myself. 

Considering how nice the quality of the 3 test cards I got earlier in the year of my "Chilled Fuel Stop" cards; I can't wait for the ones I just ordered.  

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