Okay, we have not derailed or lost our minds... yet. This is kind of a beginning of summer fun sidetrack that I found thru a deviantart journal post and the video is just way too catchy and cute to not include at least once. Beep Beep yo!
Beep Beep I'm a Sheep (Feat. TomSka & BlackGryph0n) | asdfmovie10 song | LilDeuceDeuce
Beep. Beep. I'm a sheep. I said beep beep I'm a sheep. Watch asdfmovie10! http://bit.ly/2omb6nF
♫ iTunes http://bit.ly/beepsheep ♫ Bandcamp http://bit.ly/beshebc
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Animation by Ben "Wonchop" Smallman: http://youtube.com/wonchopanimation
Lead vocals by Gabriel "Black Gryph0n" Brown: http://youtube.com/blackgryph0n
Vocals by Thomas "TomSka" Ridgewell: http://youtube.com/tomska
Music, vocals and additional visuals by Todd "LilDeuceDeuce" Bryanton
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lildeucedeuce
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Website: http://www.lildeucedeuce.com
T-shirts: http://lildeucedeuce.spreadshirt.com/
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