{{ Celix Note:  Flashing Lights Warning! }}
Oddly unplanned as yet another video from Jrharbort Productions.  Happy little fast paced song for the start of Spring

【初音ミクV3】 resound / teaeye feat. Hatsune Miku 【Original】
Jrharbort Productions

This short but colorful piece comes from Teaeye, who I've been wanting to feature for a while! ↓↓↓

You might be familiar with teaeye if you followed some of the previous Synergy-Style album releases by Sakura Recordz. His tracks always had a knack of having a super catchy tone, which has only gotten better over time. This catchy electro-pop piece features Miku V3 tuned in the Vocaloid 4 editor. The PV by Twilight_ks is also simply spectacular!

This music video teases teaeye's first album "Cosmography", which will be released at Spring M3-2017, booth number O-17a. This song will of course be featured in that release! If you want to enjoy more of teaeye's works, follow him at these pages:

teaeye's Nicovideo: http://nicovideo.jp/user/27969322
teaeye's Twitter: https://twitter.com/t_e_a_e_y_e
teaeye's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/t_e_a_e_y_e
teaeye's YouTube: https://youtube.com/teaeyech

-= Credits =-
Music / teaeye (@t_e_a_e_y_e) http://nicovideo.jp/mylist/36523820 http://www.teaeye.net
Movie / Twilight_ks (@twilight_ks) http://nicovideo.jp/mylist/12374712 http://kst.yu-nagi.com

Thank you to teaeye and Twilight_ks for permission to feature this song!

Nicovideo Version: http://nico.ms/sm30893431
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/t_e_a_e_y_e/te...
Producer Info: http://vocadb.net/Ar/7620

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