Heya guys!

So starting off the years run of Vocaloid Fixes; we have Miku with Gift Nor Art by Tripshots & HSP.

A quick note I wanna say before we jump into the video.  The past few years i've tried hard to limit these entries to animated AMV style videos of vocaloid.  The hitch to this is that as we neared the end of the year last year I was scrapping for videos.  So this year I am going to try and not limit myself just to AMV style videos and post all types of Vocaloid Videos... be it song videos using just photos or a cover of a song using vocaloid in the video.

My hope is to show all forms of Vocaloid videos and get you guys interested in Vocaloid and overall the Kawaii and fun cutesy world that Japan excels in. :D

Now on with the show!

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