Hey guys! 

I wanted to share with you as a signal boost about my society6 print store.  I just added a image into the selection of prints that is the same as seen in the above little advert image.  A image I took in 2013 during the wintertime of the old Standard Oil Station outside of town.  Used a little photoshop CS6 tweeking to white balance it thanks to a google search. 

But please if you are into photo prints; check out the store.  It is still in it's beginning stages as I still have to really find the style I wish to use on it and really figure out how society6 store editing works.  
Leave me feedback as well on the store here if you visit and let me know what kind of photos you like to buy prints of; keeping in mind my main options are nature and landscape and railroading.  

I want to find a more fun theme for the blog here as well, but some test blog themes ive tried are a bit complicated and at times buggy.  

So while I try to figure all this out... go on over to the spiritbridge society6.  Simply click the image above to go check it out.  

Thanks in Advance guys!!

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