Fall is here!!

As well as us being closer to Election time.  Considering how election time can mean higher levels of hate in our country due to a separation of people by political party and political views; This song is aptly appropriate as we enter the Month before Elections.

Remember no matter someone's views, choices, or political/moral side.... we are all Human Beings - the largest group of living, bipedal entities in the world!!  We are all brother and sisters of a worldwide family lacking in hugs and compassion.  It also doesn't help when, in the USA, a candidate is most known for openly accepting and creating hate as a platform to a position that required the most bias of minds.  ^.^ v

Source of this Video is https://youtu.be/9SKA6PmcLuQ - YouTube Channel: googoo888

Listen to this song on the go from the Vocaloid Fix Archive on Soundcloud!

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