Yesterday I mostly got done at work, laid in bed and then fell asleep. I think I was too drained as it was. Of course yesterday was a vital day in many forms. From it being the day US Citizen's remember those lost in a attack in NYC; to it being the Mainstream media's day to have all their archived footage ready to bombard our nation with imagery of the event to help slash our entire nation onto the ground in a act of mass depression and punishment.
Our media should never replay and relive thru video or imagery acts of violence or those who create it. We must never let our media and others around us force us to relive a time of such clear hatred of a set type of being. We must remember and memorialize those lost and the events of the day while still not swelling on the events that happened and those responsible. Nor should we allow media and others to control our minds and ideals thru their media and texts. SO many times when I come home from work and the news is on... they are pushing people involved in a tragedy to express something or trying to push a agenda out.
Prime examples of this is a news station I saw the day a police officer was killed from behind in the south... the media person tried hard to draw it out as a hashtag black lives matter statement... as a terrorist attack by a certain group that is a high item in media right now.. a subject that our media helps push into our minds and faces to keep brewing the perfect cup of hate to dunk blood soul cookies into.
I'm sorry, but I don't believe our media should be more than a outlet showing us outside of our small personal zones. Crime and stories of hate should be brief and to factual point of what happened, where, and what is being done. Nothing beyond knowing what happened and when and if the person is caught... needs to be otherwise known. Especially not their motives or race or religion. Our media should always ratio this crime with double the good stories and general neutral stories. Those of a person achieving a goal, of someone doing something good in our world to change it for the better. Events to help gather people who wish to help or change our world or just meet and socialize.
That is my feelings of that. I refuse to post imagery here even a day later of the towers or their demise. I instead give you all this... a image of a facebook post I did in 2012 of the day and the embedded video I linked to. Move forward and memorialize those who have passed in the acts of blind; irresponsible beings unable to open their eyes and see in front of them the truth of being the same as all who roam this great land known as earth. To see they are as equal to those whom they hated so much to kill; as a blade of grass is to another in a field.
September 11th is a day long before created... the current meaning is only a fleeting memory that our country has posted to it... and will continue to post as a day of depression and sadness for all who wonder it until the day our media can no longer profit on the death of beings and we can all move ahead of this time to a peaceful equal minded moment of resonance of each and every one of our souls. The only thing that makes use different from each other... is the only way we can become truly one.... OUR SOULS.
Thankies! :3
Our media should never replay and relive thru video or imagery acts of violence or those who create it. We must never let our media and others around us force us to relive a time of such clear hatred of a set type of being. We must remember and memorialize those lost and the events of the day while still not swelling on the events that happened and those responsible. Nor should we allow media and others to control our minds and ideals thru their media and texts. SO many times when I come home from work and the news is on... they are pushing people involved in a tragedy to express something or trying to push a agenda out.
Prime examples of this is a news station I saw the day a police officer was killed from behind in the south... the media person tried hard to draw it out as a hashtag black lives matter statement... as a terrorist attack by a certain group that is a high item in media right now.. a subject that our media helps push into our minds and faces to keep brewing the perfect cup of hate to dunk blood soul cookies into.
I'm sorry, but I don't believe our media should be more than a outlet showing us outside of our small personal zones. Crime and stories of hate should be brief and to factual point of what happened, where, and what is being done. Nothing beyond knowing what happened and when and if the person is caught... needs to be otherwise known. Especially not their motives or race or religion. Our media should always ratio this crime with double the good stories and general neutral stories. Those of a person achieving a goal, of someone doing something good in our world to change it for the better. Events to help gather people who wish to help or change our world or just meet and socialize.
That is my feelings of that. I refuse to post imagery here even a day later of the towers or their demise. I instead give you all this... a image of a facebook post I did in 2012 of the day and the embedded video I linked to. Move forward and memorialize those who have passed in the acts of blind; irresponsible beings unable to open their eyes and see in front of them the truth of being the same as all who roam this great land known as earth. To see they are as equal to those whom they hated so much to kill; as a blade of grass is to another in a field.
September 11th is a day long before created... the current meaning is only a fleeting memory that our country has posted to it... and will continue to post as a day of depression and sadness for all who wonder it until the day our media can no longer profit on the death of beings and we can all move ahead of this time to a peaceful equal minded moment of resonance of each and every one of our souls. The only thing that makes use different from each other... is the only way we can become truly one.... OUR SOULS.
Thankies! :3
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