I just spent last few hours just spamming 4 or so photos onto the puppy-dreams DeviantART account.
If I haven't mentioned this before... My current plan is for this to be the home of Spirit Bridge. The print and product availability is there, it lacks the more merchandise side of things and more simply prints and general photo art for your home ( prints, Mouse pads, Coasters, Etc.) and less on rotating stock of things that might be top selling at the moment ( Ipad cases, cups, bottles, clocks, etc.) and less on customization items.
Im still slowly working on the website.. when it is ready to launch I will think more about how I want this all to really workout together. My main thought is if I could just handle things directly as other artists of different types, my main inspirations being LizardBeth and Jolly Jack, by having on website ordering system and that I get items printed and shipped to you directly. Currently this isn't very efficient or profitable as I don't have many printing options available in town or around my area, pricing is still very much a ghost space to me, and I haven't exactly garnered a huge following enough to justify my own system. It would also mean there's a chance of much longer shipping windows requiring a longer wait on the buyers end as I get things printed, framed, wrapped, packed, and shipped... all added to the transit time already established.
SO!!!.... until then I feel DeviantART is the largest platform to post images on Spirit Bridge to both get print sales possibly, but also just to get the images in a light others can view them. A huge issue I have is again, my site is in the slow progress mode and nothing is truly linked to each other. I wanna be able at the end have it where everything links well together; that is to say my domain, blog, Both DeviantART accounts, YouTube Account, and twitter are all linked in a way to create this small little web of info and updates that will gather viewers and visitors from one place or another and point them thru a small walk about my internet spaces and they will experience everything by the time they are finished.
It's all rather fuzzy and large in scale which needs to me put into tiny chunks to be finished or finalized or just revamped. Seeing as this is my blog and after some previous remodeling to de-facebook wannabe it and make it more something I feel I can use for more personal entries and random ones... I can also say that in the last few days or even just last night into today... it's made clear to me that I have so much to work on beyond my sites and internet spaces. Yet I also need to contribute to them as part of the repairing of damage to myself and that means thru writing, drawings, and in time if I can find resources; both time wise or financial; to look into more real life things.... possibilities of at least pushing myself to look more into learning things. Be it for a degree or not.... to find ways to study in the future maybe for myself.
I have alot of research to go thru before I can fully go into the latter part of that; but I have someone, whom I hope I have not alienated in the past few years, that has a small bit more knowledge on the schooling and degree side of things, at least to inform me of things like a program I've never known of. But again I also feel it might be not the right time to jump head first into too much. I have to stop a lot of bleeding of my self and soul before I can go headlong into a new adventure. Goals for now is to find myself working more on things I started. Such as my room and to draw more and de-stress is a good idea too.
Not going to bore everyone... just eyeah.. There is alot going on personally and online both good and bad... it all requires alot of time and patience and work and is additional to any job duties I have at my workplace as well. And in free time I have at times been working on the domain... I will work more on it by next weekend I hope as well. Still looking for a solution for HTML based Light Box image pop up effect. Haven't come across it yet.. but if I dont i'll try some alternatives. :3
If I haven't mentioned this before... My current plan is for this to be the home of Spirit Bridge. The print and product availability is there, it lacks the more merchandise side of things and more simply prints and general photo art for your home ( prints, Mouse pads, Coasters, Etc.) and less on rotating stock of things that might be top selling at the moment ( Ipad cases, cups, bottles, clocks, etc.) and less on customization items.
Im still slowly working on the website.. when it is ready to launch I will think more about how I want this all to really workout together. My main thought is if I could just handle things directly as other artists of different types, my main inspirations being LizardBeth and Jolly Jack, by having on website ordering system and that I get items printed and shipped to you directly. Currently this isn't very efficient or profitable as I don't have many printing options available in town or around my area, pricing is still very much a ghost space to me, and I haven't exactly garnered a huge following enough to justify my own system. It would also mean there's a chance of much longer shipping windows requiring a longer wait on the buyers end as I get things printed, framed, wrapped, packed, and shipped... all added to the transit time already established.
SO!!!.... until then I feel DeviantART is the largest platform to post images on Spirit Bridge to both get print sales possibly, but also just to get the images in a light others can view them. A huge issue I have is again, my site is in the slow progress mode and nothing is truly linked to each other. I wanna be able at the end have it where everything links well together; that is to say my domain, blog, Both DeviantART accounts, YouTube Account, and twitter are all linked in a way to create this small little web of info and updates that will gather viewers and visitors from one place or another and point them thru a small walk about my internet spaces and they will experience everything by the time they are finished.
It's all rather fuzzy and large in scale which needs to me put into tiny chunks to be finished or finalized or just revamped. Seeing as this is my blog and after some previous remodeling to de-facebook wannabe it and make it more something I feel I can use for more personal entries and random ones... I can also say that in the last few days or even just last night into today... it's made clear to me that I have so much to work on beyond my sites and internet spaces. Yet I also need to contribute to them as part of the repairing of damage to myself and that means thru writing, drawings, and in time if I can find resources; both time wise or financial; to look into more real life things.... possibilities of at least pushing myself to look more into learning things. Be it for a degree or not.... to find ways to study in the future maybe for myself.
I have alot of research to go thru before I can fully go into the latter part of that; but I have someone, whom I hope I have not alienated in the past few years, that has a small bit more knowledge on the schooling and degree side of things, at least to inform me of things like a program I've never known of. But again I also feel it might be not the right time to jump head first into too much. I have to stop a lot of bleeding of my self and soul before I can go headlong into a new adventure. Goals for now is to find myself working more on things I started. Such as my room and to draw more and de-stress is a good idea too.
Not going to bore everyone... just eyeah.. There is alot going on personally and online both good and bad... it all requires alot of time and patience and work and is additional to any job duties I have at my workplace as well. And in free time I have at times been working on the domain... I will work more on it by next weekend I hope as well. Still looking for a solution for HTML based Light Box image pop up effect. Haven't come across it yet.. but if I dont i'll try some alternatives. :3
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