So this morning I check facebook trending to see what all the #AllMen and #All women bunk is about... and eyeah typical event as lately seems. Another shooting. Below is the un-chopped up version of my twitter posts. That whole 140 characters thing just doesn't work for me. heh

Seriously though. This is my veiw on it, if your offended by it.. I'm sorry but I don't care to hear your side either because again it all comes down to people killing people over the most retarded reasons.

Well now I know what I missed. based on the article I read, another example of human stupidity. Worse is again these people get press.
My twitter is being flooded with this BS from both sides. Anyone stop to think no matter the side story.. the main story still ends with 6 innocent people dead because some douchbag guy with nuff money to buy things he THINKS will get women, decided he was too godly to be ignored by some women.. in the same small area. 

Ive been a virgin for 30+ years and never been on a date or to a dance. I don't go plotting to kill people. I think about the times I would really enjoy that company, I enjoy and appreciate the friends I do have in which 1 is a female... well face it only BFF and she's female. I'd protect her with my own life without question and we both have already stated our terms on dating and such as no. We see each other more as siblings than anything. And Im okay with that cuz it means I still have a female friend who is awesome... sexy.. and I know I can trust. When the day come I DO get a girlfriend, then my main hope is her and my female friend can be BFF's too with us. 

Don't give attention to this a-hole, no matter the reason. Like celebs who kill, he should get
nothing and be an example to the future types like him that there's no fame or glory in this. Stop debating things we should have long since settled in the 60's and 70's and shut it!  

We aren't men and women.. we are "HUMAN BEINGS" on a planet that doesn't care of
our gender, sexuality, skin, or popularity... The earth and Mother nature doesn't avoid men's houses with tornadoes. Earthquakes don't just hit gays.... Nature will kill us all in time, naturally or prematurely, and it doesn't care who we are or what we are. Why do we the humans care so damn much about all this mess of look and sexuality? Maybe we should care more about sticking all together and helping in times of need... such as when Nature tries to take us all away! 

Thank You. And your welcome for the Twitter Spam.

Have a good memorial day...

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