Saturday, August 16, 2014

DeviantArt Lazy Pup's Poll

Posted a poll on my Print Deviantart account.. aka Spirit Bridge DeviantArt.  Go check it out and you can poll your answer to the question here in comments too! n.n V

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

RIP Robin Williams

The day the man who's entire career was making fun of our world stops seeing the laughter of it... is the day we all should stop and realize just what we are doing as humans.

Rest Well Robin Williams.

If you or someone you know is having depressive issues seek professional help or friends to help you see joy in life.

Suicide makes as much sense as a tree sitting on a toilet. If you cant get out of your funk... surround yourself with people who can.

It's not your fault and it's not cuz your broken... you just have lost your inner child and need someone that can help you reclaim that. Everyone has it, and if you say you never did, your lying and really need to start searching while you can.

eyep; late night ranty post brought to you by too many hours at work.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

From the Book of Face

Posted a Vocaloid3 IA vidi to a Facebook group im in which shared different music people are into.  I post on and off mostly just randomly.  This last post enacted a comment with props from someone...

I then thanked them and they gave their view as well on how they wanted their group to really be and what they wished it to embody.

And.. I typed up a waayyy longer comment than probably was necessary. o.o;;

In the end.. I still stand by my comment fully though.  Music is an industry that stamps out hit after hit by chosen people and those hits are made from media's drilling of it into our minds and blinding us of our ability to really create our own view on music and society at times.  People will tell you they LOVE a popular artist, yet months later oddly hate them.  They will mock a artist's media based hype over some arrest or allegation, stating how wrong and strange that person is... yet listen to the music alone unseen cuz they still are shoved around by media's influence.   People would mock and spit hate about Michael Jackson.... the stories and claims made on his name....  the day he died; you could see every media outlet lackey, who initially broke that child case with such a hateful sneer, literally crap themselves mentally realizing that the words they spoke solely on what was written for them to say was now etched into history.  And those same people quickly jumped to backtrack and try to make it as if they loved the man.

Media has killed a lot of things that once was based on pure human choice.  Who to love, who to hate, how to feel, what to think of your country or world, what is good, what is bad, what car to buy, what house to get.   People need to break away from this....  dont wear,listen,do,feel,want something because it was programmed into your mind by a media presentation.  Do so because of your own personal choices and decisions.  When the time comes for our world to make it's ultimate choice on life... the media firms aren't going to be there for you.. they will be running, hiding, and avoiding the topic... or simply there with a camera to record your reaction for the 5 o'clock news.

Also as a side added note; as I did screen grabs of the comments and edited his name from them.  He replied to my very long comment.  It's nice and warm feeling to know that you have a inner view that others can agree with at times.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

outside the box amazing photo art + Monthly Vocaloid Fix

came across this thru the most indirect of forms via the J3t tumblr to this source of what is the most epic use of small, possibly N or HO Model Railroading Scale, figures in different situations with food you wouldn't normally think of.

It's amazing how people can take a simple item and turn it into something we'd never think of... and snap out minds from the mundane to the wide awake and attentive mode/mind-set.

On that note...  Vocaloid Monthly Fix tyme!  Well okay or can just call it CelixDog's obsessed with Vocaloids from time to time when he finds a epic song and has to tell someone!  You are the lucky someone... you are welcome! XD

Source: - Channel: pkjdx3

Very hoppy and fun and some kinda fast bits and the graphics I find very fun too. Somehow I feel the need to make an advanced warning if you suffer from seizures or just dont like uber flickery;color expolosion Japanese based videos... don't watch this un without consulting your doctor... or the local guy who thinks he can see pink elephants reading the NY Times and listening to Enya.  K Thx Bai!