Monday, August 19, 2013

Anyone looking for a cheap Keyboard and not too picky on how old it is?  If so, got one for sale on my eBay account!

$5.50 opening bid!


Thursday, August 01, 2013

Doing the tiniest add-ons at the moment.   To the left you'll see some little buttonz for my Youtube.. and ive slowly poked at putting things on my instragram I use to creeper at folks I Sub to on youtube. hehe  At the moment tis more like a Food Instagram, as that's all I took pics of so far. :3

My Youtube is there too if anyone wants to checkout my videos, would much appreciate it, moreso if you subscribe to me! 

Ive been slowly working my way into watching Soul Eater on a lil free episode viewing website... the ad's are annoying but worth it in the end. hehe   Wow soon i'll have a update I can put on my MangaBullet site account that's dustier than a dusty rag.  ^-^;

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

To: Bro
From: Sis~
Rio and I wish you a very happy birthday!!
I know it's the 17th already, but continue celebrating each day after your birthday, because they're just as special! 

Photo: To: Bro
From: Sis~
Rio and I wish you a very happy birthday!!
I know it's the 17th already, but continue celebrating each day after your birthday, because they're just as special! <3

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

bday was... meh.  worked most thhe day so nothing really happening.  probably pondering ideas this weekend if off from work.   Poking ASMR youtubes cuz im odd that way. ^^

tis hawt as eck in my room in a bad way.  x.x  heat advisories up to 100 degrees by Thursday, so I expect muuuch sweating  Part of me wants to go out now to gas station for ice to putin a cooler and a buncha bottled waters and such for tomorrow.  But tis so late already... x.x

Imma try sleep first.  Nighterz