So... It's rather late at night & thus I am going to risk not sending this post thru Grammarly. If you also know the song the title is referencing... YAY!! Good Bean!

So just quick updates in speedrun form: 

  • RedBubble is CLOSED.  They changed how they plan to operate by leaning to a 3 teir system that seem to mostly hurt starter artists like me by billing them on transactions (sales), but waving it for those who have larger following.  So for me it won't work out.  I'll sometime figure out if there's other options I would go with.  Anyone who has suggestions for print-on-demand style storefronts, let me know in a comment! :3 
  • I've been riding the roller coaster from hell career wise. Thus noted - i pretty much have neglected this blog way too much. Between being employed in a daily grind of doom, quitting said grind to only have to return due to not other good options and money running fully out.  I've basically depleted any retirement funds for my future (cuz im not very bright) and so stress level is now very high as I work for $2 less an hour than my prior wage and keep my eyes out for other options. At some point, when i can try and dig out of the hole some, I want to try and figure out a path to maybe Apprentice Heavy Equipment Operator. I second guess everything I do, so - it's risky and scary feeling.  We'll see how things go.
  • With the previous point - it goes to assume I've not been able or calm enough to post on the blog and really focus on artsy vibes. Yet I also believe in keeping the art brain active. So having 3 character Twitters, a character blog, & Celix Productions Twitter seem to help at least dip toes into Art vibes as I can. But this blog will still be fairly dead air for a bit I feel. Well aside from layout tweaks. I am do OCD on web design ideas - have been since 2000... 2001(?). Why I've never had a fully finished website. XD
  • On the subject of suggestions from the first point - I am still not convinced having a Ko-Fi or "TipJar" really makes sense for my existence (?), Brand (?), whatever this is (motioning a circle 'round screen). Yet would be nice for this (more flailing in circle) to be able to bring in some funding as well. ^^;


Yeah...  I'm starting to crash from my busy work day and still being awake. @.@  But wanted to do some updating. Hope everyone who does happen along this blog is having a good start of 2023 and week. :>

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