
It's... been a week. Take that as you wish.
I'm trying to coax myself into the bill-paying mindset, all while listening to the newest Birthday Massacre CD. I got the physical CD ( yep, I'm one of those people.) with the included digital download option for listening on my computer.

If you are into the rock/goth style sync vibe of music, You should check out The Birthday massacre. Found them randomly on YouTube years ago and was hooked. I have not really paid attention to mainstream music since. I've found most of my enjoyed artists are bands or artists that I find through YouTube.


It's been a chaotic start to the year & I've yet to get past the 50% mark on my Udemy HTML5 course. Yet I am also wondering just how relevant are websites still? In means of a personal website, you spend a few weeks writing up and publishing. Opposed to site services like "Carrd" and "LinkTree" nowadays.

I took the better part of an evening working on a Carrd free site for my photography project, SpiritBridge, before the new year. And I found it to have a learning curve, but one that's relatively straightforward to navigate and get a pretty nice result. I now wonder if these websites are the new "In" for web spaces. Would I benefit from creating assets/content for a "Celix Productions" microsite space (Carrd, Link tree, Etc.)? Thus allowing me to later convert to a domain when the time is right & finances are available.

I have already been lobbing back and forth the idea of purging from Tumblr to cut down social media usage. I feel as if Tumblr is not aiding the goals of getting more eyes on my work, projects, and content like Instagram and Twitter could. I also know that I currently feel I'm being spread very thin posting-wise when juggling so many different things online and off.  

Please, voice your opinions on what I am now dubbing "microsite spaces" like Carrd, LinkTree, and others. I hope to start pushing harder on real-life things at home to finally make more headway on the 3-year downsizing project that began in late 2018. Then I can attempt to better wrap my head around where I want to start facing as I start walking forward in things. Baby Steps, right?

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