I had typed End in the title, but that term is misleading in a way.
My domain registration goes ba-bai most likely around midnight tonight ( Oct. 12th, 2019) without me renewing it. Thus - The celixproductions.com Domain goes offline to the public.
The reason is simply, I did not renew it. This isn't me giving up or ending an era or anything of that like. I just simply am in a financial place that I cannot justify paying the hiked up price of $45 a year on Hosting/Domain Registration. Especially thru a company that initially was fine, but has over the last year hiked the initial locked price from $35 to $45 and seems to have gone fully down with its serves a few times. Along with a BBB rating rivaling Trump's presidency with matching reveiws; I just felt i should research other options.
While doing so; of course I find that it is more than likely that Mister.Net will wind up holding the celixproductions domain hostage. I have tested this using my sister's website (which she also let go un-renewed due to not being able to even access the member login site) that she had unlocked and let renew drop. The name still says it is claimed and not available - thus being held hostage by Mister.Net. Click "see more>>" to continue reading the updates. ^^
But just as she decided to move on - so am I. She is mostly investing her time with her studies and using Tumblr and Instagram for her arts; while I will take the time to really try and get back into the drawing and arts thing myself as I have been sorely lacking with how much has happened in the last 2 years. My plan of hope is to take time to try and draw again, push more at the idea of utilizing socials a tad more and figuring out what I want on my website and focusing it more as a Arts & illustrations hub and less a random drop point of which I usually forget to even finish. My hope is to hopefully draw and start redesigning the site offline so I have something fully ready to place onto the internet when I find a new host/domain. Again, sadly, the domain itself will not be the same and part of me dreads it as if it was a huge part of the "brand" and gone forever. Alternatively; with discussion with my sister - the old domain was long and mildly cumbersome.
When i first started this Celix Productions stuff, i was fetus Dave and I knew nor cared about any path or focus. It was just some fun silly thing and mostly orbited around other people and their artwork for me. As time went on; I was met head-on ( apply directly to forehead - lol ) with the realities of artistic rights and legality; thrust into what should have scared me away from anything artistic forever. But I am stubborn, as seems to have always been in the family genes, and rather than run - felt this drive to " Show them!" and continued by self figuring out this "Art" stuff which became what it had been for the last forever ago.
And of that time i used many iterations of the name, but it usually was "CelixDog" followed by free hosting platform's name here. When things are ironed out and I have the site ready to publish and I have secured a host/domain service; The domain will most likely be "celixdog".
Until then; Keep an eye open on this blog and my twitter account for updates and more random stuff. if you wanna be perpetually hungry; follow my Instagram. Your diet will regret it, trust me! The Art Tumblr will be updates as I have item's avalible - tho I feel I may look into what needs updating on it as well. ^^;
TaTa for now! :>
My domain registration goes ba-bai most likely around midnight tonight ( Oct. 12th, 2019) without me renewing it. Thus - The celixproductions.com Domain goes offline to the public.
The reason is simply, I did not renew it. This isn't me giving up or ending an era or anything of that like. I just simply am in a financial place that I cannot justify paying the hiked up price of $45 a year on Hosting/Domain Registration. Especially thru a company that initially was fine, but has over the last year hiked the initial locked price from $35 to $45 and seems to have gone fully down with its serves a few times. Along with a BBB rating rivaling Trump's presidency with matching reveiws; I just felt i should research other options.
While doing so; of course I find that it is more than likely that Mister.Net will wind up holding the celixproductions domain hostage. I have tested this using my sister's website (which she also let go un-renewed due to not being able to even access the member login site) that she had unlocked and let renew drop. The name still says it is claimed and not available - thus being held hostage by Mister.Net. Click "see more>>" to continue reading the updates. ^^
But just as she decided to move on - so am I. She is mostly investing her time with her studies and using Tumblr and Instagram for her arts; while I will take the time to really try and get back into the drawing and arts thing myself as I have been sorely lacking with how much has happened in the last 2 years. My plan of hope is to take time to try and draw again, push more at the idea of utilizing socials a tad more and figuring out what I want on my website and focusing it more as a Arts & illustrations hub and less a random drop point of which I usually forget to even finish. My hope is to hopefully draw and start redesigning the site offline so I have something fully ready to place onto the internet when I find a new host/domain. Again, sadly, the domain itself will not be the same and part of me dreads it as if it was a huge part of the "brand" and gone forever. Alternatively; with discussion with my sister - the old domain was long and mildly cumbersome.
When i first started this Celix Productions stuff, i was fetus Dave and I knew nor cared about any path or focus. It was just some fun silly thing and mostly orbited around other people and their artwork for me. As time went on; I was met head-on ( apply directly to forehead - lol ) with the realities of artistic rights and legality; thrust into what should have scared me away from anything artistic forever. But I am stubborn, as seems to have always been in the family genes, and rather than run - felt this drive to " Show them!" and continued by self figuring out this "Art" stuff which became what it had been for the last forever ago.
And of that time i used many iterations of the name, but it usually was "CelixDog" followed by free hosting platform's name here. When things are ironed out and I have the site ready to publish and I have secured a host/domain service; The domain will most likely be "celixdog".
Until then; Keep an eye open on this blog and my twitter account for updates and more random stuff. if you wanna be perpetually hungry; follow my Instagram. Your diet will regret it, trust me! The Art Tumblr will be updates as I have item's avalible - tho I feel I may look into what needs updating on it as well. ^^;
TaTa for now! :>
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