Happy March! This Month we have some more IA action with a awesome little extension to Azure Skys.
Fun little song, no visuals in AMV form this time, but the music alone is very mice and relaxing too! Source Info Below the Clip! ♪
【IA】 Azure Lines 【Original】
Jrharbort Productions
Fun little song, no visuals in AMV form this time, but the music alone is very mice and relaxing too! Source Info Below the Clip! ♪
【IA】 Azure Lines 【Original】
Jrharbort Productions
This is the follow-up to BarrageP's song "Azure Sky", and his way of saying "thank you" to those that have supported him! ↓↓↓
It's been a little while since Barrage touched on the Uplifting Trance genre, but he thought he'd go back to his roots to what helped people discover his works in the first place. It's a beautiful follow-up song!
If you like BarrageP's music and want to hear jis newest works sooner, be sure to follow him on his official pages:
BarrageP's Nicovideo: http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/1778106
BarrageP's Twitter: https://twitter.com/BarrageP
BarrageP's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/naganegi
BarrageP's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuiA...
BarrageP and I thank you for your support! m(_ _)m
Nicovideo Version: http://nico.ms/sm30367084
Producer Info: http://vocadb.net/Ar/29570
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