Spreading the 1UP to y'all!! Check out below to learn bout how YOU can help fuel a speeding cure train of Children's Hospitals while watching people slowly turn into rage-quit zombies!!
Great artist know by me initally as artist to the comic " Broken Plot Device" and pretty awesome art in general - Liz aka Lizardbeth - will be gaming the extra life marthon again and while she claims to have warning of "some potty mouth"; just know the ways she trys to censor the swearing at first is also epic... and then she runs outta ideas or gives up and it's F bombs away. XD
Seriously tho! Watch the video and consider donating if you want and she gives details in video where to watch her slowly degrade into raging at minecraft pigs and sipping dangerous amounts of coffee.
Fun Fact!! theres even a chance to win art from her!! again; all in the vid! jaNe!!
Great artist know by me initally as artist to the comic " Broken Plot Device" and pretty awesome art in general - Liz aka Lizardbeth - will be gaming the extra life marthon again and while she claims to have warning of "some potty mouth"; just know the ways she trys to censor the swearing at first is also epic... and then she runs outta ideas or gives up and it's F bombs away. XD
Seriously tho! Watch the video and consider donating if you want and she gives details in video where to watch her slowly degrade into raging at minecraft pigs and sipping dangerous amounts of coffee.
Fun Fact!! theres even a chance to win art from her!! again; all in the vid! jaNe!!
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