SOUTHSTAR GLEN - County sherriffs office is releasing a public notice to all citizens of Southstar County for date of April 14, 2016.  

" April 14th will be county mandated siren test day.  Residents within the county should be aware of all WiFi/Over-Air and wired siren systems activating during the hours of 11AM - 3 PM.  

Deputies will be "sweep" testing sirens on the WiFi/Over-Air system during late morning hours for both CD alert and Tornado/Attack operation. Residents are urged to be aware of weather conditions at this time of day. 

Sherriff's office located in Valley Pines will activate full system (panic) activation thru Tornado/Attack modes between 12PM - 3PM pending results of Over-Air system. Residents are asked to be aware of weather conditions at this time. The office also asks residents to allow way for any official and maintenece units during these tests and not park or block siren access. 

The city and this publication ask those in our county to take time to plan and practice home/work/school tornado alert plans during this time.  Tornado season is already in full swing as evident from last nights storms. 

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