SOUTHSTAR COUNTY - Last Friday marks the end of the County's recording year for 2015 as final past budget decisions are renewed with plans and updates made in November.  Starting February 1st, 2016 all Southstar County residents and businesses will see a County wide tax drop of 7% which will mark the first tax drop since 2001.

The county board announced in letter to all residents within the county of SouthStar the tax drop and with additional forms for those wishing to receive information on the 2016 budget which plays a large part in this reduction.

The first public demonstration of the newly remodeled outdoor venue in SouthStar Glen now named the "SouthStar Peace Gardens" was a replacement to the city's recurring New Years event and saw a dynamic in the venue which the area has never seen or thought to be possible.  A free admission show which lasted over 5 hours with on and off music and a grand display of the new stage and lighting systems installed weeks prior to the event; local and regional vendors who arrived to sell and offer services with a 100% take home in the end.  Most shows prior had been paid entry and most vendors would have to provide a percentage of sales to the city as well as have city, state, and county taxes deducted from their sales gains.

The new dynamic is the brain-child of a very eccentric new owner of the venue whom has taken both the city and the state by storm.  The finalized purchase of the former Glen Garden's Venue and the Botanical Gardens, also located on the site, gave huge conditions that until now would be considered deal-breakers.

SouthStar Glen City Purchase Conditions:

  1. Sale of property ( venue and gardens including all open land, beaches, and unsold city land within the city's section 2 zone F lakefront) to new owner. Final Sale of $6 Million.
  2. Decisions on Band, Performance, and Land usage is 100% owned by purchaser ( Jag/iNdGreir LLC.)
  3. Security will be provided by local police department with a monthly payment for services to the city of $154,000 and additional $50,000 for events requiring additional security.
  4. City to enforce a new dry-zone which would ban alcoholic or hard beverages within the property that would be punishable with fine up to $2000.
  5.   All event costs (including marketing, fees, and utilities) and maintenance costs paid in full by iNdGreir LLC. (owner)
  6. all sales gains to be given to the city of SouthStar Glen when admission fee's required ( larger bands and some private events).
  7. City and County amendments created to allow tax free operation for all vendors at events.  Owner will charge a one time Vendor fee during events which will also be paid to the city of SouthStar Glen at end of each event.
The conditions of the sale on this venue have made many advisers question the new owner and some have look into the background of the new owner to find some past incidents from the former rock star's history including still current ban's from 5 US states and a few over-sea's locations.  

However the system while unorthodox has gained the City of SouthStar Glen it's first record breaking winter event for the year with the demonstration event gaining a gain of $677,998.00 solely from vendor fees and money collected at some city owned vendor stands during the event including those offering city shirts and historical booklets.  Vendors had reported many record sales as well and praised the new conditions that allowed them to leave with almost all the money made minus the fee to participate and operating costs ( product, fuel, and wages).  Many vendors already had high hopes and those same had already mentioned returning in the spring for the full opening of the venue. 

The opening of this venue and it's conditions had such a large effects for what was not a full operation, but a trial and preview that the county board had a meeting on the 3rd of January to decide if the county budget was in need of re-evaluation and later rejected it's November budget for a revision adding the 7% cut in resident taxes.  "The additional gains from the most recent affiliation with the Peace Garden's has allowed us to take a radical look at the newest budget and see that we will be able to afford a lower tax for those living within our lines" stated the county secretary Hamm on Friday; adding " not since 2001 have we lowered our tax rate like this and it will boost our area economically as we offer a more affordable place to live and work."

Additional changes included a $75,000.00 allowance for County Education platforms looking to bring tablets into Junior and Senior High classes and adds extra spending for school lunch programs county wide with the intent to introduce more "made to eat" meals and reduce the amount of pre-processed food.  

The budget also includes the late addition for a federally granted project to expand the Valley Pines Transit system into SouthStar Glen using form SouthStar Coast lines that have been left either abandoned for nearly 20 years or are currently used by regional railroads for alternate freight passages during in-climate weather. The lines now funded for renewal by a federal grant of $12,000,000.00 to the Valley Pines Transit Authority will change hands from the state into the VPTA in the next few weeks and will begin to receive upgrades.  "We are excited to bring our trains and some history to the SouthStar Glen area and will be clearing the former SouthStar Coast right-of-ways very soon as we work in Valley Pines on the switch point into town" read a statement from the VPTA earlier Friday Morning.  

The line will extend from the 76th Street (Razorraun Station) depot stop onto it's own line where it will travel via overhead powered lines to Southstar Glen's Transit district.  The area currently housing lines for the SouthStar Coast LTD. Railway will soon include a cross track with the VPTA as it continues into the downtown area until reaching the end of the line at the Peace Garden's Venue.  "We are excited that interest has sparked to help in returning our old city railroad to operation" stated Jim Vaer, President of SouthStar Coast LTD Railway.  " The SouthStar Coast Lines went under 20 years ago on those line and ours and with the volunteers on site and donations around the world we are able to resume operations to preserve this line; the addition of Valley Pines lines out here will bring back the feeling of connectivity to the area, give people a feeling of being able to see the world again." he added.  

The planning commission said the line will run from Valley Pines alone the same original roue of the old railroad and include sights that made the SouthStar Coast a real diamond to ride including a stark veiw of the lake and forst areas along it.  The old line also includes a 2 mile high trestle made of wood from 1911 over Glen Falls.  "The line was a goldmine to view; riders will get to see what those 100 years ago could see." stated Mr. Vaer who also said that the trestle would still hold trains to this day.

VPTA stated that the line would be updated and that some structures and crossings may be replaced entirely due to safety concerns and age.   They were not asked about the trestle, but did acknowledge that some historic aspects of the route would be preserved in every way possible within the ground of their safety priorities. 

Construction is slated for early spring on the extension and may be finished in time for the start of festival season as the SouthStar Peace Garden's officially open with an already sizable show list started which includes BabyMetal V, an Anime Convention, MikuFest, and some private party's and events. 

1/31/16    ·    $1.75 US 

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