So I was a bit quieter than normal on most of the internet between August 9th til about a few days ago. The reason was not as much from being without as much as just not having time or ability to be online. For once this is from good reasons!!
I flew to Tampa, FL!!
As part of my second vacation week for the year, I took a huge leap from planning and thinking about going to visit Jan aka JJ and actually went! Can you tell my excitement?
This is a blog bout the experience since this was a fully new experience for me from start to finish. If you wanna read the entire thing as it's quite lengthy and photo heavy... click see more! Advanced warning of word crimes and badly typed text. I am not a English major; just a Oreo major.
Starting with my first time ever flying in a plane. I was heck bent to never need to fly ever and that if was to crash.. it was gunna be on solid ground! I still think that, but was willing to try for this very special event. It is worth noting in a very vague form that this trip was almost not happening due to family illness.
I was able to go and one of the reasons was because of the person who was ill was a superhuman and got better amazingly fast for what they went thru; the other reason was cuz I agreed to try flying since it took a 2 day driving trip down to less than 3 hours each way. It made it more feasible to make a mast minute return if needed and thankfully it wasn't.
The flight was new for me and had alot of things I was new too, like being in a airport in Milwaukee at 5am seeing this huge place, trying to navigate it, going thru security and getting patted down. The flight itself was interesting as was a lil bumpy but i kept myself calm I think by likening it to things I knew. Taxi-ing the runway felt like riding on a train excursion... one in the air it was a bit like tilt a whirl with the G force on takeoff and such. Overall I had it all in one piece and only got sick to my stomach when I saw they wanted $5 a day to use your own phones data on their wifi.
Once arrived, I was just as confused by Tampa's airport and the warmth was nice yet also unexpected at just how hotter than i was used to in Arkansas even. The airport has a lil subway tram to ride to the main area which was fun and the entire time I was anxious and nervous as my initial thinking was I would go to terminal.. get my bag... maybe check out a starbucks or something for a freezy drink and then text Jan I was in Tampa to come pick me up. Instead I arrived and before even out of the plane getting messages from her how they were there and watching planes come in and all. Got pretty much a guided GPS style direction to the baggage area where she was with her Mom and Dad.
First note I wanna make is this is all my own experiences and thoughts of this trip in the way they came in my mind. I took this trip with the goals of being open minded and as ready as I could be for the events that were to happen.
I was aware of a very tight connection Jan has with both her parents and while my initial assumption was she would arrive and pick me up on her own... as I rode the escalator down and saw one girl who sorta looked like the back of Jan's head ( again i am still assuming she's alone) but she didn't have facebook messenger open; I got to the baggage claim level to see a Jan all in full OMG face and pose and her parents. Made self notice to self as I am very sure I had a dumb grin on my face seeing her that was her folks and that a part of me expected to be judged. I also noted that her mom was holding a phone in a photo or video form. The photos (which wont be posted here) are still in a hidden space among a sea of other images, so the real look on my face is yet to be seen. XD
The whole time to this point I was texting back and forth with her on where i was or the like... after got there was instant hugs and a little of me trying to mentally gather thoughts. We then went to her car which is a cute little Dodge Dart that I can tell you is roomy inside but getting into if your taller is a bit tricky. The doors in are a lil shorter than what a Full Size car or SUV would have, yet the leg room was surprisingly good both in front and back seats as later in the week I let her mum sit in front.
We went to a Chinese restaurant which is of a style i never been too with actual sit-down dining and little carts of appetizers that wonder around with human assistance. Again still in a very surreal mindset I wasn't hungry... but was also trying to not be rude seeming and her Dad was very nice to not only treat on it all but many times check with me on if I wanted anything as there is a very different diet dynamic happening here. Her and her family are vegan and I have not fully been able to commit to the same yet ( tho my plan is to try hard to get closer to a match).
I ordered some shrimp thing like a dumpling which had a very rice taste to the dumpling and also had scallop, which never had.. and probably wont ever again cuz wasn't the greatest texture... Then after a bit of back n forth with wait staff we got actual menu's and could look at things. I recall sharing one with Jan at times looking at things and trying to find something I know of that wouldn't be too expensive as at this point I wasn't really hungry but didn't wanna waste their money either. In the end I still feel I did waste as the Hong Kong Noodles I orders while very good... was in such a large portion for someone like me who wasn't even really hungry. A lot was left over and a good 2 days after the bamboo veggy dish Jan and her Mom got also was talked about with its mushy little thingyums in it.
Arriving at Jan's house was surreal when you drive up to things you've seen in photos; her parents got out but I stayed cuz she was gunna give me the Jan Tour of town. Her Dad was leaving same day on a flight using the same airline so it was very brief that I met him. The time I did have to see him and meet him I found many of the things I kinda figured about him to be right. He was very exacting and wanted things a certain way. He had things with a plan ahead of time and was not afraid to voice his opinions on things or his dislikes. The waiters at the restaurant in deed learned of this from him as they in deed tested his patience I feel with the rather newer staff with probably lacked skills in what seemed to be a very new establishment.
Her Dad was also very smart, I could tell from how he spoke and acted that he know alot and was very nice to me shaking my hand and welcoming me. He also showed a closeness to Jan that was expected even tho they had events in their lives happening that again for sake of privacy I wont go into. Overall her father was a fresh look at the family man style and mindset and obviously cared alot about his daughters life and who she was around... I was being judged and rightfully so - I feel I passed with some brownie points tho! :) Felt really welcomed too!
The tour was fun, we went to her massive college to look around and learned the joy of Florida's love affair with gated communities; and the norm of them being in the closed position; even at her school. XD The entire neighborhood and those around it are all planned gated systems; each community was linked by a road and at times a walking path. The use of natural things and more use of water features made me very happy to see. The price tag on some of the houses made my wallet cry. LOL
We got out by a walking path and took a small walk and talked; mostly she did as she is a social butterfly and im just really shy as it is and was still, I think, not believing I was there with her! We also found drowning little plants that I think actually liked being in a drowning state.
So after a walk and to see all the nature, we went back to her house and then shortly after we got tasked with grocery duty. This was something I can tell you I was internally happy bout yet nervous.One goal I had was to be able to see a more unedited look at her life as online you are easily able to edit your information and day to only include what is exciting or wanted. Now I could see a real look into her life and how things were in a average day. Granting this wasn't a 100% average day for her, but we still did regular daily things.
Grocery shopping was at a store called NutritionSMart, the name will throw you off... it is actually a rather large store and not just a supplement shop, and I watched her be very paticular about which carrot she got. This helped me to see as I am that freak at Walmart or Pick n Save rummaging for the oldest dated Milk that will last longest and will do so for many other things. Nice to see I wasn't only one! I was told by her Mom to get things I would wanna eat also; I failed. I got things that while what I would eat.. still had a healthier trait to them. I basically bought what I'd get maybe at whole foods and that was some chocolate and a new item I saw " SoDelicious Brand Dairy Free Coconut Milk Vanilla Yogurt" and some double chocolate cookies I never got to eat while there and by time they got home they had been 'mooshed in my bag. I also got some coconut chips that I thought Jan would like... wound up finishing those off on my way back from Milwaukee Airport to home. I hope Jan liked them tho.
After we got back with the groceries, there was a system they had which I not seen and was very intriguing for me to learn a little about. All the items got took out of their bags and placed nicely on a plastic trash bag ( I learned that covering tables and counters was key as I assume to reducing pest issues). It was then put away to a very detailed system which saw no item stay in it's original packaging. The bread got put into it's own ziploc bag as other items got put in ziplocs or those veggy green bags. The system I never thought of made alot of sense as you are basically giving everything the best chance of preservation by eliminating any possible flaws ( or trickery from the producers) or just giving it a better place to settle. It also I feel made things easier to store in the fridge or cupboards. The bread was the biggest one that made me remember all the moldy loaves we throw away here at home from not using fast enough. Im sure most of that is from piss poor produced and sealed bags from the producers of the bread.. possibly a planned flaw to make you buy more bread.
After everything was put away, it was lunch time. Hands got washed ( this is a ritual that happened alot and to be very honest; made me realize just how big of a slob I am at home.... i've also since the trip found myself washing my hands more often. This is a gewd thing!) and then they made lunch. Again I was still not really hungry and so I watched and again was served food even tho I said I wasn't too hungry... I was served a nice big plate of it too!
The lunch we had I am trying to remember as I sit here. The first day was a blur... I think I need to correct myself.. I feel we finished grocery put away and then went up stairs and I was treated with a JJ concert. Hearing her playing her guitar in person was fun and I dont think i could have hide my goofy grin if I tried... I did alot of silly clapping too cuz again I just... couldn't function my mind. hehe
Her Mom brought up a smoothy which I swear was blueberry; but was instead a powder of a berry. Also had banana in it and was cold and helped make the hotter temps go away some. We also had a freak thunderstorm too! I hope Jan isn't offended I honestly let the week sit too long without making notes and might forget events. Im sorry kitten!!!
Lunch was served after guitar practice and was a salad of Spinach and a soy sauce, ginger, olive oil dressing and other added things like carrots and beets for them. I dont do spinach ever and so I was being kinda coy like... not to much as a polite way to not eat too much of it; was given as much if not more by a Jan and also they had tomatoes. I cheated and as she was making things snuck all my tomatoes onto her plate as I draw the line on tomatoes if they are not obliterated into a pasta sauce. I'm just that picky. In the end the salad was very good and somehow a tomato cube did stay hidden on me and I ate it with not much notice as the dressing was very tangy and noticed. Had almost a vinegar like taste tho I don't recall any vinegar being added. We also had the sweet corn that we bought and eating it without butter and pepper and salt was different yet not missed. They cooked it more steam like with small amount of water in the pan. Not the drowned style I am used to cooked in a large pot with boiling water. The Lunch overall was just really good and I ate all of it without any regrets and was proud of myself trying things I otherwise wouldn't.. cuz ever since the e coli spinach thing.. I was so not going to eat any.
We then had a drawing session as I do recall as the thunderstorms kept coming and going. It isn't until tonight it was realized I didn't even doodle in her sketchbook tho she did in mine. This makes me a bit sad as I wish I was less coma-toast and thought to do that. I was challenged to draw a chi and then went more into a art class with Sensei Janna.
Meet Betty!! there was also some random doodling I tried to do and some lil drawing doodle wars and she also did her art signature on my sketchbook. This will be one of my fav sketchbooks to look thru in the future. I was not really good at drawing as I never draw with someone watching and so I think I felt a almost artistic performance pressure, but i did try and this may be one of the few sketchbook pages that you will see where Celix and Cutesy both got drawn on the same page on the same sitting. Jan's drawing style is so different and amazing to watch happen... saddly I did more watching of that than my own drawing. Her approach to construction of her drawings is quite different I feel than mine was and very clean and fluid using a lot of motion in lines. There's a video I took of her drawing later in the week but has me also being bro teasing like cuz she said she was not pretty... My always battle with her is that she is beautiful. This battle still raged even while visiting. :3 It's a sibling thing.
The TV was out all Sunday, which is this whole noted day and so bed was the next step after a late night of the drawing I watched and tried to do... I also was given many many cherries. I dont normally eat them as I just am that fussy of an eater and normally I only seen the radioactive ones on top of sundaes. Jan was insistent on getting me to eat many; they were tart to a degree and like a doof as I dont norm the nom of cherries.. I just nibbled em like small apples around the pit. If you were watching this go down... it was the cutest lil pouty JJ kitten all " here eat one" and then me all ohh kay but not hungry... and this looping about 5 times each time a new cute JJ kitten face or comment. With me watching drawing at times.
Monday I woke up and found I somehow was up rather early ( might have been internal work clock all WERRKK!!) and went down stairs to find her Mom making milk. Again they are Vegan and so this isn't Moo Cow Juice, but instead Almond and Sunflower. The process I walked in on was mostly the straining of the liquid from the blended nuts that soaked overnight. I was given a glass of it and told " You don't have to drink". The main trend was that I wouldn't like some foods and her mom was quick at times to have a bit of a comment of how i am not required to like or try things. At the end of it though; I wanted to be open minded and try things. I may even had wanted to somehow be converted or just somehow drop like 100 lbs visiting from eating real food. In the end of the blog we shall note the results.
The Almond Milk tasted vanilla like and not nutty really at all. Better than some ive gotten in stores... and the fact it is apparently a very dangerous job squeezing out the liquid. This is known from at least twice some of the chopped mixture squirting out from the cloth Jan's mom was using. Once it landed perfectly in a bowl near by... told her great shot. lol The second time we had casualties and the mixture got onto her mom's face. It just shows that even almonds can be dangerous.
The TV was working and the cable company was very ninja like leaving only a note.. not even bothering to knock. We got gas for her car and I got to see her excitement of using a speedpass from Mobil which even I don't have nor have ever used. I was giggling at the fact the gas station had TV's in the pumps to watch while fueling. Jan had learned from her dad the idea of wearing a rubber glove ( like you'd use for washing dishes) when fueling your car. Again it was different and a bit strange at first; but overall again made sense as I know many times i've fueled the car and some of the gad leaks somehow and you get it on your hands and you smell like a gas pump all day. My only concern is just how much static does the rubber gloves gather and if they are a spark hazard. I dont think I would personally go to rubber gloves ( tho I did get into the use of them when I take cans to be cashed in), but I think I will opt for a similar idea of using gas station bathroom to wash my hands right after. Again i'm a slob and never really thought into it enough to question. Now it makes sense to me that you better not to be gas hands all day.
We had also talked prior about her Nintendo NES system that had a broken RF Switch. The techy me had failed in TV fix.. and so deffo wanted to help here. The issue was after a google check - her area was missing the used gaming stores that I have found here. The nearest one was a few hours away and we found this out only after going to a gamestop store on the way back from the gas station.
I may or may not have mildly fell in love with the cuteness of her seeing amibos for Nintendo Wii at the store. I know of them only from seeing some you-tubers having them mentioned and a general jest of their use. Jan had a royal cute induced Awee-fest over them and borrowed my phone to get a piccy of them. This is what I feel I can say is missing in my life. Random cuteness and moments with someone overall. It was so fun.. even if we learned the nearest place that might have a NES RF switch was hours away.
We also drove around to the Staples to get printer ink and paper. I felt at home in Staples cuz eyeah... i'm weird. Was starting to feel less on edge and mind numb as well since the first meeting the day prior and just as when we went shopping for groceries; I grabbed the bag to take for her. The result this time didn't match the groceries tho. When I grabbed groceries.. we had 6 bags so we shared 3 each. Staples we had 1 bag.. which I grabbed and she then grabbed all " No dude i'll take it"... and we literally walked out the store both holding the bag mildly fighting over it like a strange couple of overly nice types. I do wonder how many people thought me and her were in fact boyfriend and girlfriend when they saw us. Especially when we leave a store going:
Jan: no dude i will carry... * tugs bag*
Me: nope I shall carry.. I gotta be helpful!
Jan: dude I have carried much more and heavier than this.. your the guest!
Me: but imma be the gentleman and help
I think in the end I wound up winning and carrying it to the car. but was kinda that fun bro and sis moment I will remember with many others. I will be insistent that I be helpful and gentleman like as best I can. Not many people like me around anymore who will hold doors and try to be kind as best I can.
We got back and aside of some unhappy mom moments of us not calling the day before when we had been out too long.. this time we made sure to call and text and avoided as much scolding for not checking in. I loved the fact of just how close Jan and her Mom were and again on the side of most peoples thoughts; one could take it as being overly possessive or overly protective... You could consider it a lack of privacy or just over doing it overall. To me though - especially considering my personal childhood and distanced relationship with both parents - this was refreshing, mildly meepy at times cuz I felt like I kinda aided in the trouble, but still I enjoyed seeing this dynamic ( will use this word alot with her and her family) and seeing parents who care and do so truly and unconditionally.
The printer ink and paper was for her tickets for the Weird Al show ( another first.. my first concert!!). She printed one for herself and her mom and the rest of the day was mostly chilling. I use that term loosely considering was about 95 out. Breakfast had been potatoes with onions and salt for me. Tasted great but again such big portions and I drank mostly water. Lunch was Soba Noodles with Soy Sauce, ginger, and olive oil and for Jan and her mom included beats. They also have squash ( Mystery Squash is the in-joke ;3 ) and carrot if I recall and some other veggies. All cut in healthy chunks and lightly cooked with some seasoning of salt and then added at the table with the soba. Again new foods for me to try that I otherwise wouldn't. Squash isn't a norm for me.. but ate and fond it mildly potato like. The green beans had life to them and not just mooshy like you can get after cooking them. I don't usually eat the green beans and yet I am not in bad terms with them as I used to as a kid eat them off the vine with Grandpa. Snap peas too! This was noted by Jan when asked by her mom what to have.. as a "Light and simple" meal. Again huge portions in comparison to my normal lunches.... if I get them a lunch.
I feel like we then watched some TV.. I recall watching a epic show on Animal Planet, I think, about tree houses which was fun to watch and watching Jan also with her tablet. There was a little drama during that evening as her Dad was checking in on them and questioning of the next day's adventure to the Orlando Weird Al concert. Understandably to me, her dad had some concerns and one I can note was night driving. Jan is on the adventure of driving and still collecting her driving achievements per say; night driving hadn't been acquired yet. Again he was concerned and it was a concern that while I could feel made Jan feel sad and untrusted... it was one I understand knowing that there's a lot out there that can be bad especially at night. Just I don't think deer is one of them in Florida. Gave her a hug as I would online since I could tell she was feeling down. Again I was there to not only visit and see Jan but see and feel the reality of her being and life. This includes sad times and I realized that night that at times she can be very transparent in her feelings and emotions. She went from happy and giggleyish an talkative to very meek and quiet after the call which prompted me to ask if things okay and get a more summarized version of the issues. That's when the hug was needed and given to her.
I can confirm that giving hugs is nice and fun and warm. ^^!
Tuesday we both got up kinda late. Well she was awake before me this time. I took a shower to de-stink and not look a slob and was told at the start to use the upstairs bathroom, aka Jan's bathroom, and she used her mom's. There was a bit longer wait for warm water ( what the hell was I thinking?! Warm water shower as normal in a place with 100+ degree weather?!) and the nifty thing that I saw which I still kinda wanna have, but might have to wait til in a place with own bathroom... a LED color changing shower head. It's like a little shower disco man!
The show for Weird Al was at 8pm. Doors opened at 7pm. We planned to set out around 3pm since was a bit of a drive. We kinda just stood around for a while and googled parking for the show until was time to go. The connection Jan and her Mom had the whole time so far was positive and of her Mom being concerned but also on board to do things. This was the thing that her Mom started to really look into the prior concerns and decided the moment we are ready to head out.. that she didn't want to go. I kinda was left to watch and witness Jan try to help her Mom calm down from her fears or anxieties and be insistent on her mom coming with. And after a lot of talk and many failed attempts to find batteries for a lighthouse lamp and a small LED candle lamp, Jan was able to convince her mom to come with which made me happy, but also made me hope it was the right decision as I didn't know how her mom would take the concert. I didn't even know what to expect for this concert thing as all I could think was that I was going to be in a place with tons of people and I normally don't do well with larger groups. I feel too overly critical of myself and like everyone's judging me.
We drove to Orlando and Jan pointed out things to her mom that were pretty and nice and I would say overall did a great drive driving us there and keeping her mom calm and in a way distracted. When we arrived we got a parking spot and Jan did the same thing I did at the Milwaukee Airport; take a photo of where we parked. We took an escalator and many moving sidewalks ( didn't know moving sidewalks existed so commonly until then) and I watched kinda judging those people who just walked on the moving sidewalk... until we became one of them as her mom started walking and I was just like " and she's off!". hehe I bet we walked and jumped on and off about 5 of those things!
The views from the sky-walk based area we walked on was really nice also... Jan took pics, I didn't cuz I was in awe of it all and paying attention to when to jump off the moving sidewalk.
Once in the general location of Universal Studio's Orlando... we walked thru the city-walk area to Hard Rock Live & Cafe. Was a lot of people and the city-walk itself was worth the trip alone.
Jan got some better shots of the city-walk... all these are hers and copyright her.
We also met a new friend for Jan too as we walked... you know its way too hot for his ish when even the wildlife is like "Eff dis noise!! imma smoosh on a cold spot and never move!".
The little storm that didn't brought some cooler air which was good and we got into line for the show. We may have ticked off a lady by sitting too close to the door and in front of her... then shuffled to the end of the line, which wasn't that far away to be honest. Watched helicopters and river boats move around and finally started going into the venue. We got security checked and found our seats. The seating couldn't have been more in our favor. Jan and her Mom had great seats just 2 rows back from stage and I was about 4-5 but had a great view of Jan and her Mom's seating and stage.
Jan made quick pals with the security guy inside the venue. Once because some guy told her something that wasn't exactly true... which included going onto stage for photos.... Luckily we first took pics in front of the stage which for me was awkward cuz sooo many people looking at us. Also wonder again what people thought we were. hehe So she was shooed off the stage by a security guy and then later on the same guy would shuffle then down about 3 seats as the initial usher guy sat em in the wrong seat spots. In the end they still had epic seat position; in fact perfect considering what happened during the concert. I also snuck a talk with the security guy about shirts, but later found out the table for them was gone. :c
I also was feeling a little out of place realizing how many hardcore Al fans there was. On my left a lady and her husband sat down... I would later find that this lady was going to be possibly someone Jan knew from a Weird Al forum. I also noted as I geeked out at the lighting and rigging ( I am a freak I know!) that Jan and her mom actually got seated in front of the speaker tower. If you even been to a large festival or concert outside or seen Mera Luna videos like I have... you'll know this tower and why being in front of it isn't the best idea. ;3
The show started as we seen on the YouTube's; Tacky with him walking in from outside. He walked more towards the opposite side of Jan and myself. He did a lot of new and older songs and the mix of the songs, seeing Weird Al in person ( in closer range than when I went to his book signing in Brookfield!) and the stage lights and all.. it was alot for me to process in all honesty. I think I had some mild moments of tears not just so much of the show.. but being there and my head trying to also sometimes put all this real life into a SSG mental as well. I will always have moments that SouthStar Glen is so real it makes my mind crack a little and tears leak out. That a feeling more people should have... something in their mind being so real to them it makes them tear up just witnessing it in their minds eye or in real life.
The main songs me and Jan both can agree that we wanted to for sure witness was tacky since he walks past crowd... and the fangirl's biggest goal.. to be in the " Wanna Be Your Love" performance where Al will go into audience to sing to people. Jan has for a long time now told me her dreams and hopes of him singing to her and fangirling. Some might find this annoying... I find it fun and cute and selfishly might even kinda try to learn from it as a way to think of my own mentals of with Cutesy or other girlfriend type. Guys need to be more open to girl's expressing fangirly things... you get to see into their minds a little and you gain a lot more trust from them and if your with that girl in a relationship... brownie points! Also great way to note what kinda things to gift them if they fangirl over things.
So the song comes up and at first he went back to the opposite direction. Keep in mind.. up until this point I have seen a fair bit of Al's show, but kept refocusing on Jan as best I could see as she literally bounced about in her seat the whole time. Al then makes his way now back toward our side.... stopping in middle and then to the side by us (far right). At this point I am looking at the video screens to see if I can peek a view of Jan when he's passing by.... I did this until he got close to the right in which I was stopped from doing this to see Jan shuffling from her seat and making a quick move to the end of the row... once there she stepped up where Al was singing to a girl... stood as he saw her.. sang to her some.. raised her hand.. and Al touched palm to palm with her hand and they literally just had a moment of him singing.. smiling and then with hands together.. pushed her hand some and walked away still singing. Jan pushed back too and it really almost looked like was part of the show, but I knew it wasn't. I don't get all yell minded and like Sports Fan like... But I think possibly first time i've ever in my life in public yelled "WOOOO!!! GO JAN!!!!!"... ever!
We spend 3 hours at the show.. by the time it was over... I had 2 thoughts in my mind... first was blocker. I had in my mind that security was going to go after her from the moment she had with Al and somehow thought if I rush to Jan maybe they can't do anything. Winds up they didn't seem to even care. The other thought was just hug Jan from the epicness! So I rushed up and hugged her all YOU DID IT!!!. We then left going thru a sea of people and the fancy lit up city-walk. I have to also side-note that a girl at Hard Rock Live was wondering around before the show; she worked for them as I saw she had a walkie-talkie on her;' who was after some self deliberation was a good candidate of being a human Jag. Figure was very sexy and curvy more up top... but also a little shorter and younger looking while still having a very metal look to her. Made note to tell Jan of this as well afterwards cuz it was amazing to see that a real life Jag exists.
The drive back I was happy with since it was as I had hoped and told her mom ( she had asked me my opinion of the entire idea... I acted in the interest of both making sure Jan had someone on her side, but also noting my own respect for her concerns) it might be like. Limited traffic, well after the studio at least, and just a very chill ride back. Jan was so proud of not only this insane moment of touching Al and being sang too.. but also that she drove at night perfectly fine. Was a very rewarding night for us all. Her mom who was very against the entire adventure seemed to have enjoyed it a lot.. after her hearing came back that is. Told ya that Speaker tower was going to be a factor.
I was happy Jan's mom came to watch the show and see Jan do something so gutsy and brave and the extreme joy Jan had after the show and even once home. When we did get back we went to bed fairly shortly after and I laid in bed trying to recount the trip so far and the insanity and fun of the day. I tried to be a little more animated and I tried to be more freindzies with her mom too especially since I knew she was not initially keen on the idea. There's a photo Jan took of us and her mom looks in one just over me entirely walking away... lol and then one of me standing there kinda side hugging her mom some. At the end of the show I think I did side hug her mom again and asked her if she enjoyed it and commented how happy it made Jan she was there. Again the dynamic I now saw and I liked it and wanted to keep that dynamic and maybe be a tiny part of it.
I have in the past found that most the time.. at least last friends I had in AR; their parents would at times sorta sudo adopt me. Shelby is a good example as his mom got to the point she told me I was just kinda like her son and another of her kids. God knows she had enough kids to keep her busy with 2 daughters and a son. But I kinda hoped maybe in time Jan's mom might at least see me kinda in that way, but I don't rush or press for it. Just enjoyed sharing in the fun of the show and being there to see everything happen.
The next day the high for Jan still was surreal. We had spend the last of Tuesday night after the show trying to see if anyone posted video or photos of Jan with Al. Breakfast was more Tatos and onions which again was good but I was starting to get full on potatoes. XD At one point from some prodding the forums, Jan finally found a video someone instagramed of the moment and it became more than just a possible dream and I facebook'ed and instagramed and tweeted the heck outta that video! The other possible lead was that a lady from the Al forums that might have been the lady next to me at the show on my left had said she not only got a photo, but initially was looking for Jan to give her after show tickets to meet Al. Saddly we didn't know this until the day after, but Jan was on a high for the whole day at the epicness and prior nights events.
We had a tiny Drawing Challenge drawing session that made me have to force myself more to draw and not just stare at her amazing artwork. This was more shy inducing for me as her mom was also watching us and again I had never drawn in front of people before... now I was not only drawing in front of people but getting compliments as I drew. This is pretty much unheard of for me and was warmy making but also kinda made me go Pfshhh Nawww to myself.
Jan made Kawaii look uber cute compared to mine which was more basic and silly. Also mine is in no way in the same league as he's in epicness of drawing skill. She also used crayola markers to color which is in my mind insane she made even the most cheap art supplies work for her.
We then had ditched the beach trip idea since the risk of rain. So by afternoon we opted to go on a walk. The Jan nature walks was fun.. tho I might have ruined it a little cuz from the point we got about a block away my outta shape body decided now was the best time to need to pee. SO I was walking by the end of it in a very legs crossed kinda way. I am proud how good I was at holding in the urge considering normally I would have just turned right back round. This time I didn't wanna be rude. I also didn't wanna seem like I had some kinda like medical issue that I had to wee all the time. lol This is the stupid things I would think of to try and seem more normal and not a freak.
Our walk passed nice houses and some with amazing little pools and such that oddly no one seemed to use. We went over boardwalks and saw another care less squirrel and many lizards. Thankfully no snakes other than the first day out their window. No gators either! The walk Jan was talkative and I enjoyed and I learned bout wild fruits and such on the path. Probably the longest and furthest i've walked in some time on a path. At times people would pass by and again I wondered just what they thought sometimes. I found as long as your moving you didn't get all sweaty from the heat also which was nice... I was also given a Mocha + acai drink we got at the store the first day... I didn't plan to drink it cuz wasn't too thirsty and last time I had acai it was like someone tossed a bag of sugar into my mouth. This drink however has become my new addiction drink and I bought at least 5 more since I left.
The Lunch and Dinner i don't fully recall but after walk and taking photos around the area... including a happy lil black kitty cat;
we just kinda couch tato'd it. I never thought i'd spend so much time watching a TLC show in my current life, but we watched some really WTH goings on called " Little Women of LA". This time was included with me sipping my Acai drink, some Sunflower milk which has a much more noticeable nut taste and water. About this time is when we found out about the second person I mentioned before who got photos of Jan and Al and would post on the 17th. I watched Jan and her mom sitting together on a smaller couch area laughing at the show also and at times us commenting how bad it is.
I regret my phones crappy battery going dead as in my eyes I missed the chance of a photo that would be showing of Jan and her mom in like the most amazing together time sharing the moment. By now I had kinda fully I think mellowed from my shyness and nervousness. Sadly it was the night before I had to be awake at 5am to catch my flight back to Wisconsin. We hit the hay rather early and woke about 3:15am. I set my phone alarm as I do for work.. many alarms only a few minutes apart... yet I woke to the first one mildly and then to her mom knocking on the door. Her mom is a very early bird kind of person. Crack of dawn is too late for her I feel at times.
The readying to go was sad... as we about to go.. I had my last smoothie which was very much likened by me to a pancake in smoothie form. There was a more wheat taste and banana. Again tho was really good and when getting car loaded he mom was standing there and we hugged. I was happy that she actually initiated the hug cuz I felt less like I was being weird hugging her. The drive was quiet and again a moment Jan was all YAY since it was the early morning driving she hadn't had prior. Once at the airport we opted to kinda just stop in the parking lot lane and drop me off. I kinda spent the night before thinking if I should give Jan a kiss on the cheek or not. I have this sorta thing where I will at times online type "::kotc::" as like special nighters or happy gesture I guess. Part of me wanted to do that in real life. Another part of me realized I never kissed anyone in any way and might botch it.
Once being dropped off and getting bags from the epic trunk mat ( aka former NES power mat) I hugged Jan and just went for the kiss on the cheek and I honestly don't really recall seeing her face from it as I then turned to hug her mum and for what reason I don't know I gave her one too. It was in deed a spur of the moment stuck in a moment kinda thing. Wasn't good at it I think cuz I did catch her mom subtitling wiping cheek some. lol But that's okay cuz again it was kinda a sudden thing. Was probably a tad overboard to be honest.
I then sadly walked into the elevator, after some awkward elevator waiting, and door closed as I saw them getting in car to go home and resume their lives Celix free. The actual time in the Tampa airport was different than my arrival. I arrived with people waiting on me and kinda guiding me to right places and just expecting me... they were with me. Leaving I was alone again; just myself and my mind companions. Security was a lot easier in Tampa, less people and less of a wait. I also had more of a jest of how it worked. In Milwaukee I got patted down and had to undo my belt; this time in Tampa I got no pat down and when the detector went off from my belt I just told the lady who was like " up hold on" that I had a belt on and she just said " kay your good!".
The waiting for boarding was relentless... I squirmed at the $5 water in that little shop and just opted to sit and message Jan I already was missing her and little details like when was boarding. I tried to download some more game apps to have things to do and made my plan to this time not forget to have earbuds with me on the plane. My boarding position was as bad if not worse than the one from Milwaukee. My luck while hoping for a window seat was a nice lady who was sitting with a open window seat and I asked if I may sit there and she let me. So I got to see out the window at times when the sun wasn't beaming in.
I also took some video of the takeoff in Tampa, FL cuz I wanted to show Jan it. Noted below on my YouTube!
I flew to Tampa, FL!!
As part of my second vacation week for the year, I took a huge leap from planning and thinking about going to visit Jan aka JJ and actually went! Can you tell my excitement?
This is a blog bout the experience since this was a fully new experience for me from start to finish. If you wanna read the entire thing as it's quite lengthy and photo heavy... click see more! Advanced warning of word crimes and badly typed text. I am not a English major; just a Oreo major.
Starting with my first time ever flying in a plane. I was heck bent to never need to fly ever and that if was to crash.. it was gunna be on solid ground! I still think that, but was willing to try for this very special event. It is worth noting in a very vague form that this trip was almost not happening due to family illness.
I was able to go and one of the reasons was because of the person who was ill was a superhuman and got better amazingly fast for what they went thru; the other reason was cuz I agreed to try flying since it took a 2 day driving trip down to less than 3 hours each way. It made it more feasible to make a mast minute return if needed and thankfully it wasn't.
The flight was new for me and had alot of things I was new too, like being in a airport in Milwaukee at 5am seeing this huge place, trying to navigate it, going thru security and getting patted down. The flight itself was interesting as was a lil bumpy but i kept myself calm I think by likening it to things I knew. Taxi-ing the runway felt like riding on a train excursion... one in the air it was a bit like tilt a whirl with the G force on takeoff and such. Overall I had it all in one piece and only got sick to my stomach when I saw they wanted $5 a day to use your own phones data on their wifi.
Once arrived, I was just as confused by Tampa's airport and the warmth was nice yet also unexpected at just how hotter than i was used to in Arkansas even. The airport has a lil subway tram to ride to the main area which was fun and the entire time I was anxious and nervous as my initial thinking was I would go to terminal.. get my bag... maybe check out a starbucks or something for a freezy drink and then text Jan I was in Tampa to come pick me up. Instead I arrived and before even out of the plane getting messages from her how they were there and watching planes come in and all. Got pretty much a guided GPS style direction to the baggage area where she was with her Mom and Dad.
First note I wanna make is this is all my own experiences and thoughts of this trip in the way they came in my mind. I took this trip with the goals of being open minded and as ready as I could be for the events that were to happen.
I was aware of a very tight connection Jan has with both her parents and while my initial assumption was she would arrive and pick me up on her own... as I rode the escalator down and saw one girl who sorta looked like the back of Jan's head ( again i am still assuming she's alone) but she didn't have facebook messenger open; I got to the baggage claim level to see a Jan all in full OMG face and pose and her parents. Made self notice to self as I am very sure I had a dumb grin on my face seeing her that was her folks and that a part of me expected to be judged. I also noted that her mom was holding a phone in a photo or video form. The photos (which wont be posted here) are still in a hidden space among a sea of other images, so the real look on my face is yet to be seen. XD
The whole time to this point I was texting back and forth with her on where i was or the like... after got there was instant hugs and a little of me trying to mentally gather thoughts. We then went to her car which is a cute little Dodge Dart that I can tell you is roomy inside but getting into if your taller is a bit tricky. The doors in are a lil shorter than what a Full Size car or SUV would have, yet the leg room was surprisingly good both in front and back seats as later in the week I let her mum sit in front.
We went to a Chinese restaurant which is of a style i never been too with actual sit-down dining and little carts of appetizers that wonder around with human assistance. Again still in a very surreal mindset I wasn't hungry... but was also trying to not be rude seeming and her Dad was very nice to not only treat on it all but many times check with me on if I wanted anything as there is a very different diet dynamic happening here. Her and her family are vegan and I have not fully been able to commit to the same yet ( tho my plan is to try hard to get closer to a match).
I ordered some shrimp thing like a dumpling which had a very rice taste to the dumpling and also had scallop, which never had.. and probably wont ever again cuz wasn't the greatest texture... Then after a bit of back n forth with wait staff we got actual menu's and could look at things. I recall sharing one with Jan at times looking at things and trying to find something I know of that wouldn't be too expensive as at this point I wasn't really hungry but didn't wanna waste their money either. In the end I still feel I did waste as the Hong Kong Noodles I orders while very good... was in such a large portion for someone like me who wasn't even really hungry. A lot was left over and a good 2 days after the bamboo veggy dish Jan and her Mom got also was talked about with its mushy little thingyums in it.
Arriving at Jan's house was surreal when you drive up to things you've seen in photos; her parents got out but I stayed cuz she was gunna give me the Jan Tour of town. Her Dad was leaving same day on a flight using the same airline so it was very brief that I met him. The time I did have to see him and meet him I found many of the things I kinda figured about him to be right. He was very exacting and wanted things a certain way. He had things with a plan ahead of time and was not afraid to voice his opinions on things or his dislikes. The waiters at the restaurant in deed learned of this from him as they in deed tested his patience I feel with the rather newer staff with probably lacked skills in what seemed to be a very new establishment.
Her Dad was also very smart, I could tell from how he spoke and acted that he know alot and was very nice to me shaking my hand and welcoming me. He also showed a closeness to Jan that was expected even tho they had events in their lives happening that again for sake of privacy I wont go into. Overall her father was a fresh look at the family man style and mindset and obviously cared alot about his daughters life and who she was around... I was being judged and rightfully so - I feel I passed with some brownie points tho! :) Felt really welcomed too!
The tour was fun, we went to her massive college to look around and learned the joy of Florida's love affair with gated communities; and the norm of them being in the closed position; even at her school. XD The entire neighborhood and those around it are all planned gated systems; each community was linked by a road and at times a walking path. The use of natural things and more use of water features made me very happy to see. The price tag on some of the houses made my wallet cry. LOL
We got out by a walking path and took a small walk and talked; mostly she did as she is a social butterfly and im just really shy as it is and was still, I think, not believing I was there with her! We also found drowning little plants that I think actually liked being in a drowning state.
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Drowning little leaf plants |
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A ton more just chillin' like tiny lily-pads |
Grocery shopping was at a store called NutritionSMart, the name will throw you off... it is actually a rather large store and not just a supplement shop, and I watched her be very paticular about which carrot she got. This helped me to see as I am that freak at Walmart or Pick n Save rummaging for the oldest dated Milk that will last longest and will do so for many other things. Nice to see I wasn't only one! I was told by her Mom to get things I would wanna eat also; I failed. I got things that while what I would eat.. still had a healthier trait to them. I basically bought what I'd get maybe at whole foods and that was some chocolate and a new item I saw " SoDelicious Brand Dairy Free Coconut Milk Vanilla Yogurt" and some double chocolate cookies I never got to eat while there and by time they got home they had been 'mooshed in my bag. I also got some coconut chips that I thought Jan would like... wound up finishing those off on my way back from Milwaukee Airport to home. I hope Jan liked them tho.
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This is me cheating as this is what I just ate while typing up this blog; im addicted! |
After we got back with the groceries, there was a system they had which I not seen and was very intriguing for me to learn a little about. All the items got took out of their bags and placed nicely on a plastic trash bag ( I learned that covering tables and counters was key as I assume to reducing pest issues). It was then put away to a very detailed system which saw no item stay in it's original packaging. The bread got put into it's own ziploc bag as other items got put in ziplocs or those veggy green bags. The system I never thought of made alot of sense as you are basically giving everything the best chance of preservation by eliminating any possible flaws ( or trickery from the producers) or just giving it a better place to settle. It also I feel made things easier to store in the fridge or cupboards. The bread was the biggest one that made me remember all the moldy loaves we throw away here at home from not using fast enough. Im sure most of that is from piss poor produced and sealed bags from the producers of the bread.. possibly a planned flaw to make you buy more bread.
After everything was put away, it was lunch time. Hands got washed ( this is a ritual that happened alot and to be very honest; made me realize just how big of a slob I am at home.... i've also since the trip found myself washing my hands more often. This is a gewd thing!) and then they made lunch. Again I was still not really hungry and so I watched and again was served food even tho I said I wasn't too hungry... I was served a nice big plate of it too!
The lunch we had I am trying to remember as I sit here. The first day was a blur... I think I need to correct myself.. I feel we finished grocery put away and then went up stairs and I was treated with a JJ concert. Hearing her playing her guitar in person was fun and I dont think i could have hide my goofy grin if I tried... I did alot of silly clapping too cuz again I just... couldn't function my mind. hehe
Her Mom brought up a smoothy which I swear was blueberry; but was instead a powder of a berry. Also had banana in it and was cold and helped make the hotter temps go away some. We also had a freak thunderstorm too! I hope Jan isn't offended I honestly let the week sit too long without making notes and might forget events. Im sorry kitten!!!
Lunch was served after guitar practice and was a salad of Spinach and a soy sauce, ginger, olive oil dressing and other added things like carrots and beets for them. I dont do spinach ever and so I was being kinda coy like... not to much as a polite way to not eat too much of it; was given as much if not more by a Jan and also they had tomatoes. I cheated and as she was making things snuck all my tomatoes onto her plate as I draw the line on tomatoes if they are not obliterated into a pasta sauce. I'm just that picky. In the end the salad was very good and somehow a tomato cube did stay hidden on me and I ate it with not much notice as the dressing was very tangy and noticed. Had almost a vinegar like taste tho I don't recall any vinegar being added. We also had the sweet corn that we bought and eating it without butter and pepper and salt was different yet not missed. They cooked it more steam like with small amount of water in the pan. Not the drowned style I am used to cooked in a large pot with boiling water. The Lunch overall was just really good and I ate all of it without any regrets and was proud of myself trying things I otherwise wouldn't.. cuz ever since the e coli spinach thing.. I was so not going to eat any.
We then had a drawing session as I do recall as the thunderstorms kept coming and going. It isn't until tonight it was realized I didn't even doodle in her sketchbook tho she did in mine. This makes me a bit sad as I wish I was less coma-toast and thought to do that. I was challenged to draw a chi and then went more into a art class with Sensei Janna.
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Forgive the bad lighting, took just a bit ago in my 2:30AM dark room with a flash |
The TV was out all Sunday, which is this whole noted day and so bed was the next step after a late night of the drawing I watched and tried to do... I also was given many many cherries. I dont normally eat them as I just am that fussy of an eater and normally I only seen the radioactive ones on top of sundaes. Jan was insistent on getting me to eat many; they were tart to a degree and like a doof as I dont norm the nom of cherries.. I just nibbled em like small apples around the pit. If you were watching this go down... it was the cutest lil pouty JJ kitten all " here eat one" and then me all ohh kay but not hungry... and this looping about 5 times each time a new cute JJ kitten face or comment. With me watching drawing at times.
Monday I woke up and found I somehow was up rather early ( might have been internal work clock all WERRKK!!) and went down stairs to find her Mom making milk. Again they are Vegan and so this isn't Moo Cow Juice, but instead Almond and Sunflower. The process I walked in on was mostly the straining of the liquid from the blended nuts that soaked overnight. I was given a glass of it and told " You don't have to drink". The main trend was that I wouldn't like some foods and her mom was quick at times to have a bit of a comment of how i am not required to like or try things. At the end of it though; I wanted to be open minded and try things. I may even had wanted to somehow be converted or just somehow drop like 100 lbs visiting from eating real food. In the end of the blog we shall note the results.
The Almond Milk tasted vanilla like and not nutty really at all. Better than some ive gotten in stores... and the fact it is apparently a very dangerous job squeezing out the liquid. This is known from at least twice some of the chopped mixture squirting out from the cloth Jan's mom was using. Once it landed perfectly in a bowl near by... told her great shot. lol The second time we had casualties and the mixture got onto her mom's face. It just shows that even almonds can be dangerous.
The TV was working and the cable company was very ninja like leaving only a note.. not even bothering to knock. We got gas for her car and I got to see her excitement of using a speedpass from Mobil which even I don't have nor have ever used. I was giggling at the fact the gas station had TV's in the pumps to watch while fueling. Jan had learned from her dad the idea of wearing a rubber glove ( like you'd use for washing dishes) when fueling your car. Again it was different and a bit strange at first; but overall again made sense as I know many times i've fueled the car and some of the gad leaks somehow and you get it on your hands and you smell like a gas pump all day. My only concern is just how much static does the rubber gloves gather and if they are a spark hazard. I dont think I would personally go to rubber gloves ( tho I did get into the use of them when I take cans to be cashed in), but I think I will opt for a similar idea of using gas station bathroom to wash my hands right after. Again i'm a slob and never really thought into it enough to question. Now it makes sense to me that you better not to be gas hands all day.
We had also talked prior about her Nintendo NES system that had a broken RF Switch. The techy me had failed in TV fix.. and so deffo wanted to help here. The issue was after a google check - her area was missing the used gaming stores that I have found here. The nearest one was a few hours away and we found this out only after going to a gamestop store on the way back from the gas station.
I may or may not have mildly fell in love with the cuteness of her seeing amibos for Nintendo Wii at the store. I know of them only from seeing some you-tubers having them mentioned and a general jest of their use. Jan had a royal cute induced Awee-fest over them and borrowed my phone to get a piccy of them. This is what I feel I can say is missing in my life. Random cuteness and moments with someone overall. It was so fun.. even if we learned the nearest place that might have a NES RF switch was hours away.
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It's A Amibos!! They are quite cute tho! © Janna Correa 2015 |
Jan: no dude i will carry... * tugs bag*
Me: nope I shall carry.. I gotta be helpful!
Jan: dude I have carried much more and heavier than this.. your the guest!
Me: but imma be the gentleman and help
I think in the end I wound up winning and carrying it to the car. but was kinda that fun bro and sis moment I will remember with many others. I will be insistent that I be helpful and gentleman like as best I can. Not many people like me around anymore who will hold doors and try to be kind as best I can.
We got back and aside of some unhappy mom moments of us not calling the day before when we had been out too long.. this time we made sure to call and text and avoided as much scolding for not checking in. I loved the fact of just how close Jan and her Mom were and again on the side of most peoples thoughts; one could take it as being overly possessive or overly protective... You could consider it a lack of privacy or just over doing it overall. To me though - especially considering my personal childhood and distanced relationship with both parents - this was refreshing, mildly meepy at times cuz I felt like I kinda aided in the trouble, but still I enjoyed seeing this dynamic ( will use this word alot with her and her family) and seeing parents who care and do so truly and unconditionally.
The printer ink and paper was for her tickets for the Weird Al show ( another first.. my first concert!!). She printed one for herself and her mom and the rest of the day was mostly chilling. I use that term loosely considering was about 95 out. Breakfast had been potatoes with onions and salt for me. Tasted great but again such big portions and I drank mostly water. Lunch was Soba Noodles with Soy Sauce, ginger, and olive oil and for Jan and her mom included beats. They also have squash ( Mystery Squash is the in-joke ;3 ) and carrot if I recall and some other veggies. All cut in healthy chunks and lightly cooked with some seasoning of salt and then added at the table with the soba. Again new foods for me to try that I otherwise wouldn't. Squash isn't a norm for me.. but ate and fond it mildly potato like. The green beans had life to them and not just mooshy like you can get after cooking them. I don't usually eat the green beans and yet I am not in bad terms with them as I used to as a kid eat them off the vine with Grandpa. Snap peas too! This was noted by Jan when asked by her mom what to have.. as a "Light and simple" meal. Again huge portions in comparison to my normal lunches.... if I get them a lunch.
I feel like we then watched some TV.. I recall watching a epic show on Animal Planet, I think, about tree houses which was fun to watch and watching Jan also with her tablet. There was a little drama during that evening as her Dad was checking in on them and questioning of the next day's adventure to the Orlando Weird Al concert. Understandably to me, her dad had some concerns and one I can note was night driving. Jan is on the adventure of driving and still collecting her driving achievements per say; night driving hadn't been acquired yet. Again he was concerned and it was a concern that while I could feel made Jan feel sad and untrusted... it was one I understand knowing that there's a lot out there that can be bad especially at night. Just I don't think deer is one of them in Florida. Gave her a hug as I would online since I could tell she was feeling down. Again I was there to not only visit and see Jan but see and feel the reality of her being and life. This includes sad times and I realized that night that at times she can be very transparent in her feelings and emotions. She went from happy and giggleyish an talkative to very meek and quiet after the call which prompted me to ask if things okay and get a more summarized version of the issues. That's when the hug was needed and given to her.
I can confirm that giving hugs is nice and fun and warm. ^^!
Tuesday we both got up kinda late. Well she was awake before me this time. I took a shower to de-stink and not look a slob and was told at the start to use the upstairs bathroom, aka Jan's bathroom, and she used her mom's. There was a bit longer wait for warm water ( what the hell was I thinking?! Warm water shower as normal in a place with 100+ degree weather?!) and the nifty thing that I saw which I still kinda wanna have, but might have to wait til in a place with own bathroom... a LED color changing shower head. It's like a little shower disco man!
The show for Weird Al was at 8pm. Doors opened at 7pm. We planned to set out around 3pm since was a bit of a drive. We kinda just stood around for a while and googled parking for the show until was time to go. The connection Jan and her Mom had the whole time so far was positive and of her Mom being concerned but also on board to do things. This was the thing that her Mom started to really look into the prior concerns and decided the moment we are ready to head out.. that she didn't want to go. I kinda was left to watch and witness Jan try to help her Mom calm down from her fears or anxieties and be insistent on her mom coming with. And after a lot of talk and many failed attempts to find batteries for a lighthouse lamp and a small LED candle lamp, Jan was able to convince her mom to come with which made me happy, but also made me hope it was the right decision as I didn't know how her mom would take the concert. I didn't even know what to expect for this concert thing as all I could think was that I was going to be in a place with tons of people and I normally don't do well with larger groups. I feel too overly critical of myself and like everyone's judging me.
We drove to Orlando and Jan pointed out things to her mom that were pretty and nice and I would say overall did a great drive driving us there and keeping her mom calm and in a way distracted. When we arrived we got a parking spot and Jan did the same thing I did at the Milwaukee Airport; take a photo of where we parked. We took an escalator and many moving sidewalks ( didn't know moving sidewalks existed so commonly until then) and I watched kinda judging those people who just walked on the moving sidewalk... until we became one of them as her mom started walking and I was just like " and she's off!". hehe I bet we walked and jumped on and off about 5 of those things!
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Only pic you will see of me and luckily my face is hidden. Jan took this one.. sneaky ninja! © Janna Correa 2015 |
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Street Below. © Janna Correa 2015 |
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Trees! © Janna Correa 2015 |
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Little shops on the walk |
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more shops and palm trees |
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Looking across the little man-made river to Hard Rock Live! Korn was playing there in the next month or so according to the digital board on the front. |
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I like this pic I took... the 2 palms and a tippy top of the Adventure Land tower. |
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River area and some recycle bins and the little stage pavilion area too |
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Better look of the pavilion and the whole Hard Rock Live building. Fun Fact: while she was taking this I was sneaking a piccy of her doing this photo. © Janna Correa 2015 |
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See there was people there too... not sure if I just avoided taking pics of the crowd or what. © Janna Correa 2015 |
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River boats! We watched these guys come and go for a whole hour as we waited on doors to open. They can parallel park like no ones biz man! © Janna Correa 2015 |
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We are getting closer! © Janna Correa 2015 |
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This tree was pretty... Jan also got a pic of herself in fronta it, but I wont post that cuz she'd probably whap me with branches. XD © Janna Correa 2015 |
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A storm was trying so hard to show up while we walked but it never really got anything on us. Island of adventure tower © Janna Correa 2015 |
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© Janna Correa 2015 |
Jan made quick pals with the security guy inside the venue. Once because some guy told her something that wasn't exactly true... which included going onto stage for photos.... Luckily we first took pics in front of the stage which for me was awkward cuz sooo many people looking at us. Also wonder again what people thought we were. hehe So she was shooed off the stage by a security guy and then later on the same guy would shuffle then down about 3 seats as the initial usher guy sat em in the wrong seat spots. In the end they still had epic seat position; in fact perfect considering what happened during the concert. I also snuck a talk with the security guy about shirts, but later found out the table for them was gone. :c
I also was feeling a little out of place realizing how many hardcore Al fans there was. On my left a lady and her husband sat down... I would later find that this lady was going to be possibly someone Jan knew from a Weird Al forum. I also noted as I geeked out at the lighting and rigging ( I am a freak I know!) that Jan and her mom actually got seated in front of the speaker tower. If you even been to a large festival or concert outside or seen Mera Luna videos like I have... you'll know this tower and why being in front of it isn't the best idea. ;3
The show started as we seen on the YouTube's; Tacky with him walking in from outside. He walked more towards the opposite side of Jan and myself. He did a lot of new and older songs and the mix of the songs, seeing Weird Al in person ( in closer range than when I went to his book signing in Brookfield!) and the stage lights and all.. it was alot for me to process in all honesty. I think I had some mild moments of tears not just so much of the show.. but being there and my head trying to also sometimes put all this real life into a SSG mental as well. I will always have moments that SouthStar Glen is so real it makes my mind crack a little and tears leak out. That a feeling more people should have... something in their mind being so real to them it makes them tear up just witnessing it in their minds eye or in real life.
The main songs me and Jan both can agree that we wanted to for sure witness was tacky since he walks past crowd... and the fangirl's biggest goal.. to be in the " Wanna Be Your Love" performance where Al will go into audience to sing to people. Jan has for a long time now told me her dreams and hopes of him singing to her and fangirling. Some might find this annoying... I find it fun and cute and selfishly might even kinda try to learn from it as a way to think of my own mentals of with Cutesy or other girlfriend type. Guys need to be more open to girl's expressing fangirly things... you get to see into their minds a little and you gain a lot more trust from them and if your with that girl in a relationship... brownie points! Also great way to note what kinda things to gift them if they fangirl over things.
So the song comes up and at first he went back to the opposite direction. Keep in mind.. up until this point I have seen a fair bit of Al's show, but kept refocusing on Jan as best I could see as she literally bounced about in her seat the whole time. Al then makes his way now back toward our side.... stopping in middle and then to the side by us (far right). At this point I am looking at the video screens to see if I can peek a view of Jan when he's passing by.... I did this until he got close to the right in which I was stopped from doing this to see Jan shuffling from her seat and making a quick move to the end of the row... once there she stepped up where Al was singing to a girl... stood as he saw her.. sang to her some.. raised her hand.. and Al touched palm to palm with her hand and they literally just had a moment of him singing.. smiling and then with hands together.. pushed her hand some and walked away still singing. Jan pushed back too and it really almost looked like was part of the show, but I knew it wasn't. I don't get all yell minded and like Sports Fan like... But I think possibly first time i've ever in my life in public yelled "WOOOO!!! GO JAN!!!!!"... ever!
We spend 3 hours at the show.. by the time it was over... I had 2 thoughts in my mind... first was blocker. I had in my mind that security was going to go after her from the moment she had with Al and somehow thought if I rush to Jan maybe they can't do anything. Winds up they didn't seem to even care. The other thought was just hug Jan from the epicness! So I rushed up and hugged her all YOU DID IT!!!. We then left going thru a sea of people and the fancy lit up city-walk. I have to also side-note that a girl at Hard Rock Live was wondering around before the show; she worked for them as I saw she had a walkie-talkie on her;' who was after some self deliberation was a good candidate of being a human Jag. Figure was very sexy and curvy more up top... but also a little shorter and younger looking while still having a very metal look to her. Made note to tell Jan of this as well afterwards cuz it was amazing to see that a real life Jag exists.
The drive back I was happy with since it was as I had hoped and told her mom ( she had asked me my opinion of the entire idea... I acted in the interest of both making sure Jan had someone on her side, but also noting my own respect for her concerns) it might be like. Limited traffic, well after the studio at least, and just a very chill ride back. Jan was so proud of not only this insane moment of touching Al and being sang too.. but also that she drove at night perfectly fine. Was a very rewarding night for us all. Her mom who was very against the entire adventure seemed to have enjoyed it a lot.. after her hearing came back that is. Told ya that Speaker tower was going to be a factor.
I was happy Jan's mom came to watch the show and see Jan do something so gutsy and brave and the extreme joy Jan had after the show and even once home. When we did get back we went to bed fairly shortly after and I laid in bed trying to recount the trip so far and the insanity and fun of the day. I tried to be a little more animated and I tried to be more freindzies with her mom too especially since I knew she was not initially keen on the idea. There's a photo Jan took of us and her mom looks in one just over me entirely walking away... lol and then one of me standing there kinda side hugging her mom some. At the end of the show I think I did side hug her mom again and asked her if she enjoyed it and commented how happy it made Jan she was there. Again the dynamic I now saw and I liked it and wanted to keep that dynamic and maybe be a tiny part of it.
I have in the past found that most the time.. at least last friends I had in AR; their parents would at times sorta sudo adopt me. Shelby is a good example as his mom got to the point she told me I was just kinda like her son and another of her kids. God knows she had enough kids to keep her busy with 2 daughters and a son. But I kinda hoped maybe in time Jan's mom might at least see me kinda in that way, but I don't rush or press for it. Just enjoyed sharing in the fun of the show and being there to see everything happen.
The next day the high for Jan still was surreal. We had spend the last of Tuesday night after the show trying to see if anyone posted video or photos of Jan with Al. Breakfast was more Tatos and onions which again was good but I was starting to get full on potatoes. XD At one point from some prodding the forums, Jan finally found a video someone instagramed of the moment and it became more than just a possible dream and I facebook'ed and instagramed and tweeted the heck outta that video! The other possible lead was that a lady from the Al forums that might have been the lady next to me at the show on my left had said she not only got a photo, but initially was looking for Jan to give her after show tickets to meet Al. Saddly we didn't know this until the day after, but Jan was on a high for the whole day at the epicness and prior nights events.
We had a tiny Drawing Challenge drawing session that made me have to force myself more to draw and not just stare at her amazing artwork. This was more shy inducing for me as her mom was also watching us and again I had never drawn in front of people before... now I was not only drawing in front of people but getting compliments as I drew. This is pretty much unheard of for me and was warmy making but also kinda made me go Pfshhh Nawww to myself.
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Jan's is on the top, mines on the bottom. Challenge to draw a Chara sitting. We chose Kawaii as the Chara and I drew Kawaii reacting to Jan at the show. |
We then had ditched the beach trip idea since the risk of rain. So by afternoon we opted to go on a walk. The Jan nature walks was fun.. tho I might have ruined it a little cuz from the point we got about a block away my outta shape body decided now was the best time to need to pee. SO I was walking by the end of it in a very legs crossed kinda way. I am proud how good I was at holding in the urge considering normally I would have just turned right back round. This time I didn't wanna be rude. I also didn't wanna seem like I had some kinda like medical issue that I had to wee all the time. lol This is the stupid things I would think of to try and seem more normal and not a freak.
Our walk passed nice houses and some with amazing little pools and such that oddly no one seemed to use. We went over boardwalks and saw another care less squirrel and many lizards. Thankfully no snakes other than the first day out their window. No gators either! The walk Jan was talkative and I enjoyed and I learned bout wild fruits and such on the path. Probably the longest and furthest i've walked in some time on a path. At times people would pass by and again I wondered just what they thought sometimes. I found as long as your moving you didn't get all sweaty from the heat also which was nice... I was also given a Mocha + acai drink we got at the store the first day... I didn't plan to drink it cuz wasn't too thirsty and last time I had acai it was like someone tossed a bag of sugar into my mouth. This drink however has become my new addiction drink and I bought at least 5 more since I left.
The Lunch and Dinner i don't fully recall but after walk and taking photos around the area... including a happy lil black kitty cat;
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Jurrasic Park! |
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Tiny little waterfall |
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The not caring squirrel |
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Black kitty cat we found outside her house when we got back |
we just kinda couch tato'd it. I never thought i'd spend so much time watching a TLC show in my current life, but we watched some really WTH goings on called " Little Women of LA". This time was included with me sipping my Acai drink, some Sunflower milk which has a much more noticeable nut taste and water. About this time is when we found out about the second person I mentioned before who got photos of Jan and Al and would post on the 17th. I watched Jan and her mom sitting together on a smaller couch area laughing at the show also and at times us commenting how bad it is.
I regret my phones crappy battery going dead as in my eyes I missed the chance of a photo that would be showing of Jan and her mom in like the most amazing together time sharing the moment. By now I had kinda fully I think mellowed from my shyness and nervousness. Sadly it was the night before I had to be awake at 5am to catch my flight back to Wisconsin. We hit the hay rather early and woke about 3:15am. I set my phone alarm as I do for work.. many alarms only a few minutes apart... yet I woke to the first one mildly and then to her mom knocking on the door. Her mom is a very early bird kind of person. Crack of dawn is too late for her I feel at times.
The readying to go was sad... as we about to go.. I had my last smoothie which was very much likened by me to a pancake in smoothie form. There was a more wheat taste and banana. Again tho was really good and when getting car loaded he mom was standing there and we hugged. I was happy that she actually initiated the hug cuz I felt less like I was being weird hugging her. The drive was quiet and again a moment Jan was all YAY since it was the early morning driving she hadn't had prior. Once at the airport we opted to kinda just stop in the parking lot lane and drop me off. I kinda spent the night before thinking if I should give Jan a kiss on the cheek or not. I have this sorta thing where I will at times online type "::kotc::" as like special nighters or happy gesture I guess. Part of me wanted to do that in real life. Another part of me realized I never kissed anyone in any way and might botch it.
Once being dropped off and getting bags from the epic trunk mat ( aka former NES power mat) I hugged Jan and just went for the kiss on the cheek and I honestly don't really recall seeing her face from it as I then turned to hug her mum and for what reason I don't know I gave her one too. It was in deed a spur of the moment stuck in a moment kinda thing. Wasn't good at it I think cuz I did catch her mom subtitling wiping cheek some. lol But that's okay cuz again it was kinda a sudden thing. Was probably a tad overboard to be honest.
I then sadly walked into the elevator, after some awkward elevator waiting, and door closed as I saw them getting in car to go home and resume their lives Celix free. The actual time in the Tampa airport was different than my arrival. I arrived with people waiting on me and kinda guiding me to right places and just expecting me... they were with me. Leaving I was alone again; just myself and my mind companions. Security was a lot easier in Tampa, less people and less of a wait. I also had more of a jest of how it worked. In Milwaukee I got patted down and had to undo my belt; this time in Tampa I got no pat down and when the detector went off from my belt I just told the lady who was like " up hold on" that I had a belt on and she just said " kay your good!".
The waiting for boarding was relentless... I squirmed at the $5 water in that little shop and just opted to sit and message Jan I already was missing her and little details like when was boarding. I tried to download some more game apps to have things to do and made my plan to this time not forget to have earbuds with me on the plane. My boarding position was as bad if not worse than the one from Milwaukee. My luck while hoping for a window seat was a nice lady who was sitting with a open window seat and I asked if I may sit there and she let me. So I got to see out the window at times when the sun wasn't beaming in.
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My Plane and the Tampa Sunrise |
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Leaving Tampa as a storm rolled in |
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Then the Sun came out to play/blind me |
I also took some video of the takeoff in Tampa, FL cuz I wanted to show Jan it. Noted below on my YouTube!
Overall; my trip was amazing and memorable and I had hoped to make it a yearly tradition. The saddest part aside from the walk off the plane in Milwaukee knowing I was truly alone again and crying like a blithering idjit in my car at already missing Jan... was that within the last week things have been changed a bit. Again no details as it's ultimately a non-issue for the overall experience and only effects small parts of the plan overall.
But when it comes to the bare tacks, a yearly visit might not be feasible every year. Each trip will be planned as my Arkansas ones, dependent on money and time and events of that time.
The experience I had though was amazing and I met many goals and had many expectations met and some blown out of the water. My main goals were to be open minded, try things, not let myself miss experiences I may never have again or for a long time. I met many of these from the point I got on the plane the first time, to the eating of foods I would never have otherwise tried and made in a much different way ( in fact better way), A concert where I even got to see my Best-est Best Gal Pal fulfill her dreams! Many goals I achieved and surpassed once I realized the entire week was for me a meat and dairy free week. My first time ever being basically Vegan and with no urges at all to really have meat or dairy either.
I also had some expectations... one of them for sure was Jan herself. I have a bad habit of forming imagery of people from what I gather in chatting. I did this once long ago and when I finally saw a image of the person I was totally wrong in my assumed imagery of them. Jan I have seen photos and it's pretty much a thing that I will fight her on her claims of being "ugly" or "flat" or "gross". My expectation was more of a Tomboy who matched the images I had gotten over the years and would hopefully I wouldn't go into total shy Dave mode as I do with girls in general.
My assumption was once again wrong. While the overall look of face and voice matched; the tomboy image was not there and I was in deed the winner in our silly "your not flat and ugly" fights. I arrived to find a beautiful girl... no.. woman who dressed to her comfort. I get a front row ticket to Jan's fashion... her RPG's she will describe in detail outfits for characters and I always wish she'd draw them. In photos I have her attire is not typical or trended; it's her's and she utilizes the idea of mix and match in her favor. The girl I saw when I arrived was an amazingly beautiful figure with the matching style of fashion. The entire week was for me a mix of joy being there and seeing her fashion in action and at times feeling I was being rude.
We had a discussion of this last night ( as this is now the morning after our convo and i've yet to go to bed) as she was concerned, after my poor attempts to not sound too rude, she wore attire that was too showy and revealing. I am bad at explaining things and so I suffered in this discussion and might have just made it worse. Something we, myself and Jan, have had that is special is that no matter fact we are a guy and girl... we became close as friends and spirit based siblings. The fact I am a guy makes it hard for me to say things to her without me feeling like im crossing lines I shouldn't; even with our open-ness to discuss all manner of things most guys could only dream.. or dread to listen to and hear from a girl. We are both artists for the most part ( her more than me) and draw female characters which are at times busty or not.
A big thing our conversation was is that in her comfort fashion of the week... it included tops that have lower necklines. As a weird freak guy... I will tell you I have a dislike of how "MOST" men in society act toward women and especially of the objectification of them as sex objects and generally not getting respect. I try hard to not gawk at girls and it is at times to a point that I've been called Gay or teased, even now at work, for not blatantly staring at a girl's breasts or butt. The test for me was in deed that of the fact I was now here with Jan in real life and was seeing her as she was. Most guys who looked at her in a top she wore, would have gawked and been jerks, I tried to not be that way but also I had to realize.. it's Jan. Nothing more or Less.
In the end.. as I still bumble and stumble on this topic possibly digging myself a bigger hole.... Jan is beautiful. I could only wish and dream to have a girlfriend who is as amazing of spirit as she is.. someone openly social and have more than just a beautiful figure, but mind and being. Jan is in a very advanced college major with some god awful math and she still got a 4.0 GPA. I've never heard of anyone being able to get a perfect 4.0 in college.. even with a sucky D in math. This week I saw more of Jan's chest that I probably ever have cuz she wore comfy tops and I tried to not sound like a creeper or like it was her fault... but I failed at that last night. My hope is sometime she'll read this and at least know that I don't take it as offensive or tacky (Weird Al joke was necessary), but more so as I guess a compliment that she feels comfortable to wear her normal cozy clothes around me.
To know that I look at her no matter what I am seeing at the time, It is the whole of her that is beautiful to me. Seeing her in person I found myself questioning my old thinking of her and Cutesy being alike and maybe that is a thinking that needed to be stopped as I put so much of Cutesy up in comparison to Jan. Her figure and aura radiate so much more as Kawaii that I am even planning to tweak Kawaii more to have Jan's general proportions. I want Jan to know, no matter the past and past crush feeling that I might have had then, I as a brother, friend, man, human being love her for more than a body and feel privileged to have gotten to meet her and talk with her and see just this amazing gift of god in person. She wont believe that, but I do honestly feel that our world needs more girls like her who are not following a norm and that are not afraid to be themselves and yet strive and damn near kill themselves to exceed in life and never take "No" for an answer. She'd never have held Al's hand if she let a security guards prior "No" keep her from trying again.
Visiting her I saw things most people would find strange and I challenged myself to think of it and find any REAL strangeness to it. I found nothing that deserved odd looks or banishment. The groceries that I and most others would assume for Vegans to be mostly green and not what everyone else eats; was in fact exactly what my own Grandma would buy if you just took away the dairy and meat. It sounds simple to say, but seeing it laid out at just how similar and not foreign it really is. I was moved by the fact of just how wrong a stereotype could be and even with my already knowing it was more than grass and mushrooms as most would claim... The likeness was astounding.
I didn't leave with regrets of visiting or of what I experienced. My only ones were of leaving, of not being able to buy one of those $700,000.00 houses for sale next to hers... Not snapping out of my nervous shyness earlier in the week. My battery on my phone dying at what seemed to be the worst times was annoying but not fully regretful. I will return to visit her again.. a time unknown but I shall!
She updated me as well last night of the gifts I bought her when I got home... a RF Switch from PrePlayed for the NES and a Weird Al shirt from the website.
Her shirt she is still in awe and says I shouldn't have... the RF switch she hooked up and after 20 years of silence; he NES was running and she played Super Mario with her mom on it. This is things that put little whip cream dollops on top of the vacation. Someday me and her shall NES it up as well! It was just amazing time and my tears in my car afterwards well earned from missing her. I promised her long ago i'd never leave her side unless she wanted me too do so. I told her mom of this promise when I visited and was enlightened and fascinated by the intellect of Jan's mom and how intuitive and voiced she was on family dynamics and food. I will forever try to be with Jan forever even if someday I somehow find a real life Cutesy; that girl will need to meet Jan and I hope that all three of us will be best-est buds! I think Jan would be okay with a big spirit sis too!
Below are just some extra random photos from the trip. Some are mine and some are Jan's... so I'll put copyright on hers so ya can give her thumbs ups on her awesome photos.
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Water going under the boardwalk. All the water seemed to have a iron red tint. |
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clouds peeking thru the trees at us |
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Lizard! He was all peepin' into the living room window |
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Hard Rock Neon |
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Classic old style sign with the little reflective wind blowing bits |
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Neon Guitar |
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Islands of Adventure Tower © Janna Correa 2015 |
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In the venue with army Al swirly background on the LED board. © Janna Correa 2015 (told ya she had great seats!) |
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The first bridge we walked on when taking tour around town. Brand new wood |
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Inside the plane at Tampa on way home. |
Hope you enjoyed and didn't fall asleep from all my long winded text. Was one long typing session for sure! And cuz I know she's reading it.. LOVE YOU JJ KITTEN!!! <3 Also Happy BDAY still too!
Ja Ne everyone!
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