Not going to go into a ton of detail at the moment, tis late and I should be in bed.. maybe later this week I can really go into the current Story of this new character; Pumpkin!

This is the most latest drawing I finished earlier this past week or so.  Tis human form Kawaiichi Pumpkin.  She is a city girl with a tomboy 'tude and a major coffee and caffeine craving.  She came into my mind a few months or so back as I worked on thrid shift at work driving forklift around and ironicly nuff was waiting on a stamping press operator to do something so I could move things about.  Ironic because Pumpkin works in just such an environment in her human form running such kinds of Large press's.   

Again I will elaborate later in the week or so on this.  But I wanted to show off the drawing which is also on DeviantART .    Done with pencil, Ink and then colored pencil.  I tried to do more light then darker shade layer with the pencils and unseen in this image. I made a tiny lil prismacolor chart, per say, to keep track or even just color grab into her own Photoshop Swatch Palette. 

She is also lucky enough to be the image that I will edit up in Photoshop to be on the Main Page Background for the new Celix Site that I am on and off tinkering with.  Saddly I had HUGE hopes for it... and with work and my general easily distracted ways; it's been alot slower and the launch pushed WAY out.   But I hope to get her going... The paid part is probibly nearing it's end as well; which I will repay for another year as well.. cuz the idea is epic in my mind and just required alot more effort and work that I expected and ive proven to myself that my old days of always playing with websites seem to have lost the get up and go now days.

In time I WILL have a launch-able product....  Well not product.. but site. hehe    In the meantime.. if anyone has any epic suggestions for ways to create a popup with no border of windows default attached.. basically a lightbox style popup that I would love to use in areas that are gallery based... I would LOVE to hear bout them in the comments!  

Tis the next post!! JaNe!

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