Kawaii enjoying a nighttime guilty pleasure known as "Moon Bathing"

Kawaii tends to be the more deep minded character; she has some more thoughts to share tonight. Enjoy!

...Everyone has Demons in them.
These Demons are what reapers rely on and utilize to be the most focused and unfeeling, it makes it easy to take souls the old way by force or fight.

Humans have these demons, yet do not rely on them for power and will control them to their ability. Some succeed in fighting them, and other fall into it's darkness and life ends.
Those who overcome their Demons and are able to destroy them, are those focused and centered to a point that they see all light. These people have come to peace with themselves and life that us Reapers tend to envy.

Find center and control your inner demons, and find peace in your life...  those who hurt and kill are those who've allowed their demons to take over.

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