Kawaii Kosen Raccoon - © 2009

One's soul is most powerful in fear and anger; learn to control both and your soul becomes an unstoppable force, a unbreakable weapon, and the path to your victories in life.  

      ~ Kawaii; high order ranked reaper, Americas (retired)

A thought that came to me as I poked YouTube's before bed tonight.  A bit of wisdom from both Soul Eater Anime Fun and my own little story I start before even finding out Soul Eater existed.  Never close your mind with what others tell you is fact.  Always question what no one else will and find a world within that door you opened to new stretches of your mind.  The simple question I had to question the MALE Grim Reaper imagery; has opened such a strange, challenging, yet amazing world to my mind.

Bedtime now. :3

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