Saddly I don't think i'll have time to create Hallows eve drawing-ness. Sooo as kinda a sub on that... I'm gonna embed a vidi or two that are imo pretty kewl little animated music videos from youtube... with hallows eve theme.
They are from the anime "Soul Eater". If you've not seen it yet; you should. Probably the ONLY anime aside from Lucky Star I've watched more than 1 episode of. Im on like Episode 28 or so on Soul Eater as I get time to watch it on crunchroll or . I'd recommend it for people who DONT like anime as even though it's a anime - it's got a lot for non-anime folks too; from sexiness girls and a VERY deep plot and a lot of fighting and action as well. Oddly a large base of my Kawaii and Nightspirit story really works in a odd parallel to Soul Eater's main concept. Mind you my idea was before I even knew of Soul Eater and there's not nearly as deep main plot to it. But it still bears a lot to the reaper world and ideals of the afterlife and supernatural. Very inspiring to watch this anime at times for things. hehe Enjoy!! And happy Hallows Eve!! Kawaii and Nightspirit's most favorite of sacred holidays.
Not a Huge Manson Fan (pfft actually don't care for him at all), but was amazed this song is one of his.
Disturbed however i'm a fan of ( well until the last 2 or so albums... ) ^^;
Urrps almost forgot the first un I saw that kinda got me into Soul Eater, well made me peek at it. AMV of the classic Maka / Chrona fight with MSI's "Shut Me Up" to it.
They are from the anime "Soul Eater". If you've not seen it yet; you should. Probably the ONLY anime aside from Lucky Star I've watched more than 1 episode of. Im on like Episode 28 or so on Soul Eater as I get time to watch it on crunchroll or . I'd recommend it for people who DONT like anime as even though it's a anime - it's got a lot for non-anime folks too; from sexiness girls and a VERY deep plot and a lot of fighting and action as well. Oddly a large base of my Kawaii and Nightspirit story really works in a odd parallel to Soul Eater's main concept. Mind you my idea was before I even knew of Soul Eater and there's not nearly as deep main plot to it. But it still bears a lot to the reaper world and ideals of the afterlife and supernatural. Very inspiring to watch this anime at times for things. hehe Enjoy!! And happy Hallows Eve!! Kawaii and Nightspirit's most favorite of sacred holidays.
Not a Huge Manson Fan (pfft actually don't care for him at all), but was amazed this song is one of his.
Disturbed however i'm a fan of ( well until the last 2 or so albums... ) ^^;
Urrps almost forgot the first un I saw that kinda got me into Soul Eater, well made me peek at it. AMV of the classic Maka / Chrona fight with MSI's "Shut Me Up" to it.
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