Saturday, July 27, 2024

Katsup (catch-up) Post of Reels/Shorts a.k.a I'm trying to be social

 I've been trying to be more social media minded, at least on instagram cuz people seem to note it as a more artist friendly space to promote. Yet then I also been droppin' YouTube shorts of the same just to also keep things happy on the old YouTube system.

Realizing tho I haven't kept up on it here (Tho you can always see it on the twitter feed to the right as well).  So Enjoy a bit-o-late posting!

Kawaii Kosen's Art Progression:

Rio Kittens's Art Progression:

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Double Decade Star....


side by side of early and last drawn Silverspirit imagery
© 2024 Dave McCoy, Celix Productions

Keeping with trying to be at least a bit more active, retrospective?, on Instagram/Socials - edited & posted a new #flashbackfriday reel on Silverspirit. I believe she was the 4th "Celix Girl" created, possibly 3rd. 

Check out the reel embedded below or on my Instagram account for the full progression of art of Silverspirit VixenFox from 2001 ~ 2019.



 Additionally - I am still considering my options on trying different layout styles/templates for this blog. I found a nice one a while back for another little side personal project I have that is less art related and more photography focused that has been on and off in practice.  I just am not fully convinced by the overall layout it uses would work as well for art minded blog posts. 

We'll see soon enough. I am still on the fence with the site concept. But I am also still trying to find the best balance of work and online things, let alone feeling I can allow myself to relax or rest yet. BUT! Progress in small steps right?! 

I am enjoying these kinda retrospective speed edit sessions for Instagram reels of my characters and their art progressions. Hard for me to say I improved (I'm stubborn like that), but the quality shift is evident!.

Until Next time!! SeeYa!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

# OldStuff Saturday?

 I still around... on my 30+ day run as a freight loader at a Walmart Distribution Center nearby my house. It's... been a battle against all the body parts and muscles I've never used fighting me. lol

I've also been slowly tinkering with the V-Tuber concept and wares a bit to try and figure out some streaming on twitch. Nothing major fancy right now due to not having the best options for making models and all. 

I basically am going with the little PNG Discord Fugi open and closed mouth option until I can get back on track financially with Bills and Past Dues to look into a more digital-friendly drawing tool system. I've found that PNGTubing Rigging requires layer cutout forms which my traditional art style complicates.  So keep an eye open for when i finish testing & tinkering and start trying to go live a few times.

I warn you all now that I am like an 90s kid so there will be playing games like SimCity4 and Millennial humor and brain-fog with some newer things I think were neat. So keep your eyes pealed. 

To touch on the image below - I posted this on my Instagram tonight after talking with Miss Jan about the idea of posting old artwork on IG and feeding the algorithm. A toe-dip into the idea of graphic design for a establishment in my OC's world. Made in 2015 using Photoshop CS6. Still dunno bout the hashtag options. Myself and Jan both like the idea i tossed at the wall of a hashtag for Sunday to post sketches of old or new art. Lemme know what y'all think!

I do hope to maybe try and work more on this blog as well and it's design. Another Blog I designed for a different project did allow me the ability to see some better options in Blog Design I wanna implement here sometime.

Ta'ta for now!!

©2015-2024 Celix Productions,Dave McCoy


Thursday, February 15, 2024

I swear I not Ded

I liiiiiiveee... kinda.
Been rough tho... not gunna lie.

I am hoping for the year to start having a more up-tick trend soon, but until then I want to at least refresh the blog a little for future hoped plans.

Added some new links to other ways you can support me if you want & new header imagery for the new year. 

Additionally, I've been trying to tweet more in the twitter-land to be more present. My character's with socials have been on and off. If you want good vibes, I'd suggest Pumpkin's twitter.  If you want more unfiltered angst, Head over to Jag's twitter. 

And to end it for now - i know there is some major discourse, hate, and polarizing views on AI generated imagery. I understand the reasoning & why artists are upset. 

At the same time, I do find this AnimeGenius Live 3D Text to Image generator a good way to keep myself visualizing. It's additionally entertaining the strange warps in reality it can create. 

I note this as I have been using a few of these creations in last few blog posts for imagery placeholders. I can flap my yap more bout that at a different time.

This post's image was testing for Pumpkin Kawaiichi looks. 

So, til next time - ^^v
Made using AnimeGenius Live 3D TTI