Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Wisdom from a reaper

Kawaii Kosen Raccoon - © 2009

One's soul is most powerful in fear and anger; learn to control both and your soul becomes an unstoppable force, a unbreakable weapon, and the path to your victories in life.  

      ~ Kawaii; high order ranked reaper, Americas (retired)

A thought that came to me as I poked YouTube's before bed tonight.  A bit of wisdom from both Soul Eater Anime Fun and my own little story I start before even finding out Soul Eater existed.  Never close your mind with what others tell you is fact.  Always question what no one else will and find a world within that door you opened to new stretches of your mind.  The simple question I had to question the MALE Grim Reaper imagery; has opened such a strange, challenging, yet amazing world to my mind.

Bedtime now. :3

Sunday, January 05, 2014

US education fail

and people think our current American school system is working.
Someone missed a few years of history class, check out Lizzie Bean's tweet:

Sunday, December 29, 2013


incase I miss it in time; happy new year you guys!!  I hope to get the new site up and running in the new year and try to be more active in things like blogs and sales on spirit bridge, deviantart, and ebay/amazon.  :0)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Soul Eater Anime - COMPLETE

I finished the entire Season 1 Series of Soul Eater last night.  I had to start picking it up on for the last 10 or so episodes since was getting insane with ads.  Hulu has adverts, but not forced ad's you cant close.

Again I wont spoil, JJ isn't thru yet cuz it's running on Toonami/Cartoon Network and they took a little breather from it for this month. So no spoilt anime's here.  I did get turned on (addicted) to animated gif's on a site called  So below is some memorable Soul Eater Animations!!  And tiny side feelings and Thoughts on the last episodes I saw (Episodes 41 - 51).

Firstly an unrelated gif off the bat for those who want me to spoil and just tell ALL about the anime.

Right; so that's outta the way. :3  Click 'see more' for the Animated Goodness!