Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Well... so far so good.

Just got the call from work.  Again.. as I already figured... passed.  So will be returning to work tonight.... so now I should try to get some sleep. x.x;  Still don't feel any less like crud from last night.  Just need to learn to breath and slow down when behind... 

2 Days left til weekend (schedule is kind of odd where I start Sunday Night at 10pm and work the week til Thursday morning at 8am.) and can try to rest more.   And sort room.... and really should try to draw. 

I'm glad the HR person who called was who it was.  I get along better with him than the newer lady whom I have not yet met.  So makes it at least a little better; granted I'm grateful he has a sense of humor to tell me in a kinda comical way.... even though doesn't make me feel any less down, it's nice to know that there is some levity in it somewhere.

Not My Night/Day

Tonight has not been one of my better nights for sure.  Started waking up and the usual jaunt around town before work (I find it is more helpful in being on time to wake a bit early and just circle around the determined destination aka work) and then go to work.  Got in to work and was told by 2 people that it was a dead night... nothing going on... not busy at all.  at 10pm when 3rd shift starts... it gets busy... and stays busy... so whomever told me was dead and slow... obviously was fortunate to be in the calm before the storm. 

So now by 11:30-12 midnight I'm behind... and being behind stresses me out because I don't want to be lazy or look like a lazy oaf and so I'm trying to catch up.  In which a get a page to a work cell that had a lot of detail, only 3 words of which I could understand from them.  I go to the cell to be hollered at getting some rack to put parts on that I didn't hear in the page and go to grab the near by rack.. to be told it was "Crap" and wound up going around the building to gather a different one.  So the night starts to crumble like a old cookie.

I go for the rack and in process the darn thing slips some and catches onto another rack and now I have 3 racks that are resisting.  After freeing the initial rack I wanted and noting to clean up the mess.. I go back in to put the rack in the work cell, and then leave back around the building to fix the tiny mess I created in the digging process. 

After I come back I realize that the "crap" rack is sitting there on the shipping dock, I had forgotten to grab it... luckily now a cell across from the previous has a rack to get rid of and so I wonder back out with this and after dropping it off in it's spot grab the "crap " rack setting it aside as well.  Back in again and try to play catch up on the scale to have the cell operator come over asking for something moved... so I go around by shipping and move his item and as backing up am whistled at by a guy next to the cell. 

By now I'm not having fun with this lil game and I go back... sadly on my own horrid judgment, I'm heading back quickly.. turn the corner and look to the guy to see what he wants... whilst not looking ahead of me in motion... well the motion til I stopped rapidly. x.x

Looked ahead at the post for the little overhead crane thing they use in the cell.  This post is yellow colored, in not the BEST location, yet still obvious if your paying attention.  I wasn't at that moment and paid for it... So now Im really mad, mostly at myself for being THAT stupid to start.. and then have to tinker with a old box platform with no easy access to move it around.  By the time I finished getting the silly thing into place and the guys parts.. I was slowly inside both crying and cursing myself.

Again.. I am very strict to myself not to do stupid things like that.. and I wound up doing it...  The bigger sting then comes that there was of course a manager standing nearby (though even if she wasn't, i'd still have said something cuz I'm not an arsh like that) and so after a bit of self beating up and gathering of a different call, she walked up and said as per company policy, that we had to go to the hospital for a post incident testing; which basically was drug and alcohol testing as one usually gets prior to employment and a breathalyzer type test, which I can say in all honesty was my first and hopefully last time ever doing.  So we went to the hospy.. and took tests and since I don't Do anything other than soda... I was/am not concerned about the results.  The lady that the hospital was happy by the fact or possibly in shock, that I don't smoke, drink, nor have I ever had a breathizier before, apparently it's VERY rare for her to get a NO to the question " have you ever done a breathlizer before?".  The drug test will take.. hopefully no more than a day to get results on.

But again.. the main problems I have right now.. aside from still hurt in my pride that I was so stupid... is that also part of policy is that after testing.. I am sent home and cannot return until the tests are back and I show passing without anything.  So last night I left at 1am from work.. and lost about 4 hours (est. $60.00) from this for the day... and hopefully wont be in limbo today.  Currently I am just staying awake as apparently HR will possibly call me this morning too in regards to this. 

I don't know that the process will be after the test results come back in means of if I will have to take Forklift training test again or what have you.  My main hope is, keeping my job, and later kicking my self in my own tush until I can't feel it anymore for being so retarded to hit a post at work with a forklift. 

I just hope that this week finishes uneventful and that I can try to relax a tiny bit over weekend and try to not be stupid anymore.  I can't afford to be making mistakes right now.. literally as now that I'm doing material handling I actually lose the Shipping Pay and am getting $15-$15.50 an hour instead of the $16 an hour... and there's currently no overtime due to it being slow.  I need to work on sorting in my room at some point soon as well, get things that I think I can eBay out, cleaned up, photos taken, and listed to sell soon too as that will have to help me with getting funds as savings or overflow as my paychecks are in the lower numbers.  More so now I'll be losing those hours from this.

so.. eyeah.   Figured I would get this off my chest some.  I probably should copy paste this in my LiveJournal as well... not sure.  Just know Facebook isn't a place for this kinda talk and event(s).  Why I made this blog, as my place to freely type thoughts and events that I don't have to worry about getting judged and given close minded comment from.

Hmmm youtube videos... or minecraft...  which to do next til the HR folks get in and call?

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Cafe Ready

Well; it's going to take a bit... but I do have 4 things up on the new CafePress SpiritBridge Store.

I'm much more satisfied with the design here, than I am with the zazzle style... Better on the eyes.  Go lookie!

Monday, August 26, 2013


Zazzle's new design urks me like no ones fluffy slippers!!  I think it's time to move SpiritBridge to CafePress when I get the chance.  Also wanna try to revamp a little as I've found that I take more random photos than I do of just Landscapes.  So... I'll probably have SpiritBridge more geared as for all kinds of photos I take because as a whole the goal was a store for imagery that takes you on a mental journey via pixels... and that doesn't mean you have to journey only in the garden. :3

Maybe also Move the CelixDog Store too, but that store requires MAJOR revamp almost. o.o;;  needs more imagery selection.

We'll see how time treats me in the next few days/weeks.  Hectic work I tells ya... hectic!
